Flaming Helmet

Here are some tweets the president was allowed to……he didn’t tweet anything today what the fuck???!!

Double = outer scoring ring

Florida man has to pay for his guns and meth somehow!

Jet looks mid-existential crisis :( “What If I’m not a good doggo and they’re just saying it to make me feel better”

Trumps playing VR Tetris here and the resy of us are playing tic tac toe with charcoal. This all proves big gubmint management isn’t working, better deforest it all and check for fossil fuels instead.

Because having them crash down on top of the driver seems like a better option?

If it was the British version if would be “DURRR BRITAIN DURRRR.” These are the people of “ENGUUUUURLERND, ENGUUUURLERND, ENGURLEEEEEERND, ad infinitum” Not sure if the fans of Welsh teams have had the opportunity to join in, there are elements in Scotland (See Lennon, Neil for further information) who would love a

Would a RHD manual be possible? The idea of you inconveniencing yourself in such a fashion to keep rowing your own seems on brand.

Without wanting to sound bitter (or repetitive, who knows which comments I’ve not found,) it’s the same names prominent in the comments on so many of the verticals. Should I be shocked that one of the house favorites is prominent here after the supposed new start?


‘liquid performs about the same [as air]’That is a laughably false comment.

Not that you asked me but I’ve been thinking about builds a lot recently. I’d probably disconnect the front 120mm exhaust and run the other 120mm at 12v & the 140mm at 7v with the fronts on 12v to start, it should give you positive pressure with what you have and keep temps similar. If you think there’s not enough

No one agrees on any one objective “best” option

Was covered in that comments thread but they are commonly worn (You don’t see them as often as you might because FIFA have decreed on-pitch shirt removal is an automatic yellow card) and are holsters for a GPS/biometric tracker

He’s cut back on nervously eating chicken tenders!

No idea if this will work because Kinja but there should be a similar goal from Bergkamp v Newcastle embedded you might also like.

Assuming she was really there I would agree with you. There are levels to this shit, I lose her CD, they lose her, the elites, they’re just like us!

Officer McCann, so glad you’re back!