Flaming Helmet

@NICKIMINAJTyga shit ain’t fall back out!!!! Y’all went to the same doctor!!! Yours fell out cuz GOD DONT LIKE UGLY!!!!!!

how did she get in his house?

You seem to have forgotten to add a link to the described vehicle.

Looked like sarcasm to me.

Hair plugs and yoga is my guess.

At this point he’s just trolling.

Jesus Quintana goes to the pool?

That’s because Lebron looks after himself and Wayne Rooney is a hard drinking grannyshagger.

Scottish press’s English into English

Who care? Me, laughing at you for pontificating on here like you know shit then missing something as obvious as that, the cheap laugh I needed.

You do realize you’ve just been called out for victim blaming?

your ears will thank you for no longer subjecting them to anymore Warren Barton commentary.


What did Ferrari do to elevate his name? Sold him an expensive a car a lifetime ago and now want to sell a load more expensive cars off the back of that. 

If I was in horticulture and spent 7 years cultivating the plants I’d been provided by my predecessor I’d just be doing my job. When I left and decided to take them all with me because I did my job for a larger organisation I’d also be Bitter all the low hanging fruit were gone by the time I’d got to them.

kids of dead celebrities attack with a fervor that would imply they did something to earn that money themselves.

I got so confused just by looking at that closeup I made a sandwich.

I’m just saddened this wasn’t reported by the post. At least the article was clear where it stemmed from, companies will bolt over anything these days, buncha nuts.

Just wait until an everyday player who isn’t a giant bag of dicks blows out his elbow.

Why would we jeopardize our closest international friendship over something a silly as a threatened terrorist attack?