

Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.

Aahhhhhhh THIS IS AMAZING! Nick is a perfect blend of hopeless romantic and egotistical douchebag! I am here for it.

Let’s be real though, are we ever gonna see a 35 year old, dog-loving, Silver Lake aging hipster Bachelorette? Doubt it!

“The heavy hand of the government”? Really, Mr. Bridgegate?

Uh, no. The ending was fucking terrible. The last season was bad. Another example of a show that built this intense mystery, only to, at the end, go “heh...sorry...actually, we got nothing! but it was a good ride though right? Guys...?”

“Put the candle back”.

Yep. It’s ableist bullshit, what they’re doing. There’s a huge backlash against these anti-vax shit-for-brains assholes vanguarded by people on the spectrum.

It will just be Hilary constantly saying “I’d like to give my time to Mr. Trump to continue what he was just saying.”

Learning that Lauren Bacall disliked Natalie Portman has made me appreciate the late Ms. Bacall a little bit more this morning.

I think it’s because she’s the personification of white privilege and arrogance.

McKellen officiated Sir Patrick Stewart’s wedding because they are good friend (and goddamn adorable people). YOU CAN’T SIT WITH THEM, SEAN PARKER.

Don’t apologize; you are right. They are some kind of horrible physical manifestation of the Decline of American Civilization, and possible of humanity as a whole. They are like some kind of science fiction monster that looks normal but creepy most of the time, but under stress dissolves into thousands of wiggly bugs.

You can’t. The email server is buried with Vince Foster at Benghazi.

I’m sorry.

Related to this, I am friends with a couple that loves having people over, but they never, EVER start ANY of the food before guests arrive. Any time I have people over I start prep work midday, make sure I have snacks out when people arrive, and have dinner on the table within about 30-45 min after guests arrive.

No CEO deserves more than $5M a year.

I’m an investor in a group that owns hundreds of fast food restaurants. Restaurants that need skilled FULL-TIME managers at the store, district, and national levels who are experienced and competent in knowing how to run a restaurant FULL-TIME. These managerial ranks are filled from employees who work FULL-TIME to

How does one work their way out if poverty if they work and stay in poverty? If working 40 hours gets you a negligible benefit over working at all (i.e., still can’t afford rent or food), then why work?

Never in history have fast food restaurants been staffed entirely by part time employees, so you’re just making up a thing you want to be true. Why you want it to be true, I have no idea. But you are making it up.