
When I was in college 1.0 for a theater degree as a costume tech, I lived with my roomie in a scuzzy apartment complex, but the building I lived in was a very happy little microcosm of nice folks. It was the single nicest community of people I’ve ever lived with, they are relevant and...this one’s long. Because

Longtime lurker, first-time poster. I doubt this will make it out of the grays, but I’m adding to the stories of dead loved ones saying hi. Not scary, but not exactly your everyday occurrence. This is probably longer than it needs to be, but that’s okay.

I’ve been working as a professional musician since I was 16 years old, and after 20 years in the music biz I’ve seen a lot of strange things and stayed in many unusual places. Cheap hotels, busses, vans, etc. But one gig stands out: the night a cheap club owner tried to save a few bucks by putting us up in a house

Welp, so much for getting anything done today.

Two years ago, I got severely, awfully sick (probably the flu). I didn’t go to work for the entire week. It was all I could do just to keep myself drinking liquids and soup and shuffling to bed. The worst part was my husband was traveling for business, so I was all alone, just me and our sweet black cat Libby.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

I’m just going to go out on a limb here and suggest that maybe Brad Pitt isn’t the brightest tool in the shed. 

I used to think that about the Kardashians (whom I still don’t get), but they’ve got cockroach-level resistance.

The supporters he has left are immune to facts for one simple reason; they’re getting exactly what they want.

I’ve had to quit speaking to people as well. It sucks that people I once loved and respected turned out to be racist, misogynist, proto-fascists, but that’s what his remaining supporters are. Full stop.


I know I am a bitch but I just want to know who the dad is...

I love this because just about every good and decent Christian mom in my old neighborhood had a subscription. From their craft hobby site at Ravelry to their benign children’s magazine, they can’t ignore the public shaming forever.

I have seen through Bernie from the beginning as did many of us here, and it brings me such joy to see others starting to realize the con of this man and the desperate stupidity of his supporters. 


I don’t understand why Jezebel has to split the Democratic Party by reporting all these objectively awful things I didn’t bother to learn at the time and don’t want to learn now cause my mind is made up and changing course even this early in the game would require me to admit fault and that’s cognitively intolerable!


(I’m very glad you’re fine now!).

Bingo. Capitalism isn’t going away any time soon, and Warren at least understands that, and understands the system well enough to figure out how to change it

This is an incredibly unfair assessment. He can also talk about issues important to young white men.

I hooked up with this guy I met off Match when I was living in Austin. He’d wanted to call me to go on a second date but was leaving town for a month for a work thing. In the intervening month I moved to Colorado with no warning and told him I couldn’t see him again because ain’t nobody gonna do long distance after 1

He really is a disgrace to the name of his child killing father.