
I got tickets to a show after the whole “oops, never mind, we’re selling the West Coast at 3pm PST instead” bit. One thing no one has mentioned is that all the seats on the floor and the first ring around it were only available as part of BS “VIP” packages that included a print, a lanyard, access to a special entry at

There was this ridiculously fawning piece on him in the Times followed by 500 equally fawning comments. The guy is a middling actor, an alcoholic who allegedly got so abusive with his son on a plane that his wife divorced him, and admits to spending at least one decade of his life so bored that he was mostly stoned

Amy would be fine except she burned Jo’s manuscript. I would never have forgiven that little bitch. But the real trash is Marmee and the girls’ dad. You are too old to fight in a war sir come home and take care of your family so they don’t starve. And let Amy have a fucking orange on Christmas, Marmee. Ah, I feel

At our wedding our coordinator immediately put any gifts into our locked changing room. Envelopes went into a box that had a slot cut into it, then that went into the locked changing room. Apparently gift theft is less common than envelope theft, and employees and guests can both have sticky fingers. 

My aunt unfriended me on FB when I said that anyone who could support the president after seeing what they are doing with child separation at the border is a monster. I don’t understand, as a Latina mother, how you can watch that happening to other people who look like you and not be horrified. It would be like being

We didn’t let kids come to our wedding either. The lone exception, my husband’s cousin who was originally supposed to be the ring bearer, smashed my husband’s boutonniere to bits within 5 seconds of arriving at the venue. No kids is definitely the right call if that’s what you want. Kids can be cute at weddings, but I

I’m pretty good at eBay/Poshmark/TheRealReal stalking things that I just couldn’t forget, and sometimes get lucky and score them at a great discount too. The rest of the time, I lose interest before I acquire it. There was a pair of perfect flat Prada boots that I found at TJ Maxx for a whole lot less than their usual

Gerard Butler was once the only other person taking my yoga class. Can confirm he definitely always looks like he’s just come off a bender. 

A lot of them are women who have struggled with infertility and go insane at the idea of any woman terminating a viable pregnancy. They want more babies available to adopt, as legal abortion has seriously depleted the number of healthy, white infants up for adoption. Others have just gone Jesus and believe that

I might find their arguments about protecting the lives of children believable if they gave even the tiniest rats ass for the actual children gunned down in Connecticut, Florida, etc etc. How someone can cry about the poor aborted babies while simultaneously ignoring the kindergartners shot to death in their

This was amazing. (Pops over to Amazon) Oooh, Drew writes spec/sci fi/fantasy fiction too? Well fuck. You just sold 3 books.

I saw this exhibit when it was at the V&A in London, and I suggest you see it too before commenting on it, Hazel. It was actually very informative, and articulated how she used her many modes of self-expression to honor her culture from her mother’s side of her family. She loved to collect indigenous jewelry, for

I consciously try to do one man, one woman author. While I wouldn’t say the women’s works are better, I think that’s partially because it’s made me really increase the baseline quality standard of the men authors I read. Not coincidentally two of the most recent awesome books I read by a man were by a POC. On the

I think it’s one big circle-jerk for teenagers, twenty-somethings, and people from the Bachelor franchise. 

Unless you’ve got entire rooms in your home dedicated to gym equipment or collectible chunks of concrete, books will undoubtedly be the biggest pain in the ass to drag from place to place.” Damn you Lauren for making me snort coffee onto my laptop. But hey, at least it wasn’t my Kindle.

Are these posts sponsored by TLC? I see them every week but I never have clicked on them because I don’t watch the show, don’t know a single person who does. Why are you hyping this show so much? 

Bernie’s willful blindness to the realities of discrimination based on sexism and racism always made him a bad choice to be the standard-bearer of the Democratic party. You can’t win the presidency on the backs of broke white college boys alone. 

He seems like a sweetheart but $10K in credit card debt from shoes? What is he Carrie Bradshaw? But I at least hope he sold some of them instead of just donating them so they could have a little extra money for their baby. 

No joke but this is my kid right now. He’s decided at age 7 to be a vegetarian despite his parents being total heathen omnivores, and I’m damn proud of him even if it required me learning new ways to cook tofu and seitan every night. 

Yeah, I did the hopping from one family to the other over the holidays for YEARS. It involved no less than 4 flights every year (because small commuter jets required, obvs), and required packing for 2 different climates in 1 carry on. After having our first baby we realized we could force the family to come to us, it