
At the end of my pregnancy, I kept having my doctor reassure me that the craziest things were “perfectly normal.” “Doc, I look like I’m walking on two enormous marshmallows instead of feet, I’m hungry all the time but can’t eat without severe heartburn, and I get winded walking more than ten feet. Also, I'm speaking

This information always makes me so fucking infuriated. You know what’s medically dangerous? PREGNANCY. With an abortion, you get some anesthesia and zip bop bippity pop, it’s done. With my C-section, they gutted me open, put my uterus and intestine on my belly, and then sewed it all back into place. I couldn’t walk

Underage victims of rape and incest would be required to report the crime.

Not only that, but you will not force me to be a baby vending machine so some older, richer, more Christian couple who really really REALLY wants a baby can have a baby. Adoption isnt an option to abortion; it’s an option to being a parent. The options in pregnancy are stay pregnant or don’t.

I fucking am pro abortion. It is a legal fucking medical procedure. If you want to get one, get one. If you want to get 12493087120390, get that many, then. If you want to purposely get pregnant and get an abortion, fucking have at it. If you want an abortion because you don’t like the sex of your baby, or the father,

The problem with MMOs, and especially Warcraft, is that once you take away all the bells and whistles their core gameplay mechanic is just...boring. Super boring. Yeah, raids and whatnot can be fun when designed right, and quests can vary and be interesting if designed right; but by and large MMOs subsist on the

No, but they’re custom crafted for homeschoolers.

I’d be more sympathetic to her if she didn’t work with kids. They deserve better, and the daycare was right to fire her.

Aaahaha I love that it’s like a 1950’s pinup “oooopsie! The wind blew my skirt up!” situation. LOVE IT.

I am TERRIBLE at doing my hair. I have ultrathin, flat hair that doesn’t hold a curl or hairspray or product very well at all. I can do three things: 1) leave it down (it gets really flat really quickly) 2) put in an anemic pony tail 3) put it in a tiny topknot IF my hair is cooperating and I have time to fuck up a

Hahah! Using one of my favorite gifs against me! I love it and fully approve.

I mean.

Harvey Weinstein. It’s pretty well known that she was one of his “girls.” Sleeping with him is behind the careers of many young Hollywood ladies who inexplicably rose to fame.

The difference is Blake’s family has money and connections and Leighton was born in prison to a single mother.

Disagree. A lot of babies look like Winston Churchill. This is a damn cute baby.

There is nothing to say except holy moly that is one cute baby. For reals.

Waiting in line to buy a lifestyle good is inherently an amusing proposition. I’m not going to knock it or say people shouldn’t do it — I feel like most people have a good memory about camping out for tickets etc., and I’ve definitely come early to gear swap lines with two cups of coffee to buoy me through. But you

I don’t mean to offend anyone but I always thought it was a wasp thing.

I think the people that like this style are not the same people that have to stand in line for hours to vote.

My brother worked on this film. David O. Russell was insane the entire time. My favorite anecdote he told me was when he decided his shirt was like unacceptable/dirty so he took it off and lay on the floor of the set in protest, and a PA had to take it to have it cleaned for him. David O. Russell insisted that the PA