
I get that, and I figured the same thing, but also, like...make a phone call. Explain the reasons. Don’t make a list of demands in a formal, creepy email. Just be like “Aunt Ellen, I get it, you love buying the kid stuff, because its adorable, and he is adorable. We live in a two bedroom apartment though, so could you

As the proud parent of the first, second and third grandchild on both sides, living in an 800 sq. ft house with my husband and I too, I can say that I get it too. There’s not a very nice way to say for the 10th time, “I appreciate that you love the kids too, but 4 hours opening the gifts just from you on Christmas,

I buy this, and I think I can see the roots of it here:

If you woke up as your 15 year old self, what do you think your 15 year old self would think of your current life?

one of the most unpleasant people I’ve ever met. Used to think she was funny and sharp before working with her, now I just find her neurotic and selfish.

Trust me when I tell you that no amount of money will ever make you happy.

But what was Maria Menounos’s advice???????

Unrelated: I watched Ratatouille on the first night in a new apartment after being forced to move because of a terrible, unaddressed rat problem. I was thisclose to getting a panic attack and I had to hide under the covers at one point.

She’s bad at something (relationships), so she’s writing about all her failures in order to help others?

“Alright so we’ve got this comic property that’s, well, it’s maybe one of the best novels of the last fifty years to say nothing of comic books. It’s a brilliant, nuanced view both of the entire super-hero genre but also a direct critique of American Imperialism with some real relevance to the ongoing war on terror.

Could we instead talk about how some people thought it would be a good idea to let him make Watchmen?

can we talk about how bad his superman movie was

Maybe those Malibu women you’re loving to hate so much are just like the rest of us: constantly barraged with a message of how we’re supposed to look, act, and perform, lest we upset the herd.

There's a lot of things in this article that seems objective at first but nearing the end there you sorta went wide and I'm trying to write this response without sounding or feeling defensive.

I work in fashion and live in Manhattan, yet I am by no means rich nor am I impoverished. I'm a first generation immigrant and

I am truly getting to old for the main page. I can’t stand it any more.

If you have money, it is your moral obligation to cultivate real taste. I can’t believe I even have to say it.

Actually, a fur vest or any fur garment only signifies that you and the fur wearer disagree on your philosophy regarding the wearing of fur. That does not make somebody an asshole. It could just as easily signify “it’s -30 and I’m cold”.

I remember getting that feeling in the 6th grade. We weren’t poor, but fashion was not something my parents prioritized, so it was all hand-me-downs from my aunts until I was about 16. Luckily, my high school had a dress code even though it was public, so I never got hangups about being unfashionable. I think all high

This is really true. The working class drive Hondas, the middle class drive Lexus, the rich drive Maseratis and the super rich drive Hondas.

You do you. Let others not hurting anyone do what they want.