
I second this...and where's Hiddles?!

And when she saves the prince by bargaining for anything she can carry. God that movie was fucking great. AND how she was like, "Hot damn, look at all these books! I love books!"

I'm pretty sure I just watched the whole movie in that trailer

NOPE. Ever After is and always will be the best Cinderella. She was a feminist (she saves HERSELF from the creepy rapist at the end!) and a social justice crusader. Love.

Also, there was already an awesome live-action Cinderella movie and it was called Ever After and no matter how delightfully insane this cast is EVER AFTER WILL ALWAYS BE FIRST IN MY HEART.

That is how to motherfucking shade, people.

Finding Kanye and Kim too tacky for words isn't pearl clutching, it's having eyeballs and a functioning brain.

Eh, all part of the Christian right's usual martyrdom complex, like the "war on Christmas" and their complaints that they are being deprived of their "right" to discriminate against gay people. Instead of going to see 50 Shades, go to an LGBT film festival or take part in a celebration of one of the non-Christian

Another friend of mine was denied because "what if your husband dies and your new one wants kids?".

I'm loving this Stewart/Paltrow Lifestyle Brand Beef. I'm not sure whether Martha and Gwyneth are Suge and Puffy or Biggie and Tupac but Blake Lively is definitely Ma$e.

Dammit! I meant:

This is much too phallic to have the word "WANG" written on it in large bold letters.

"And gamers are under siege. The whole hobby was a clubhouse for disaffected young white dudes, and now a bunch of uninvited people, the same people who made them feel alone and disaffected in the first place, are coming through the door and changing the place."

The whole hobby was a clubhouse for disaffected young white dudes,

"This anonymous (and typical) member of #Gamergate uses descriptors such as "ugly, acne-ridden" and "basement dwelling" to characterize how the rest of the world views other #Gamergate members. By deprecating the entire community under the guise of using "the enemy's words," they unite the entire group, and recruit

Ugh. I am so over the Nerd Persecution Complex. Gaming was never your secret clubhouse. Some of us have been here since the beginning, but were never accepted into the community because we weren't male or socially inept. Grow up. Find something else to define yourself by other than your electronic entertainment of

There's a lot to unpack in this comment, but mostly, I find it really, really disturbing that your core thesis is the exact thing Tracy is talking about, that women are infinitely less interesting, and infinitely harder to get along with, than man, and that you yourself were far too smart and cool to reduce yourself

Yes, yes.

I used to work in film industry via the animation industry... and now I'm home with babies. I often feel like my career is slowly unravelling to the point where I will never be able to get it back. I know not every lady wants kids, but for those of us who do, the film industry is NOT great for working moms. I can't