
Alls I knows is my 11 month old baby heard the song playing and crawled over, demanded I pick him up, then sat in my lap rocking gently to the song while watching Harry with a rapt expression. +1 for Harry.

Latinx is bullshit and I’m growing alarmed at how much it’s cropping up as the new convention for addressing all Latinos no matter where they exist on the gender spectrum. I say that as a Latina who fully embraces gender fluidity and non-binary self-identification. You cannot imperialistically try to change a romance

So all along Madonna wanted to grow up to be NYU-era Mary-Kate Olsen? Okay then.

“nebbish word fuck fest” Ohmygod I think I love you.

Ugh. That dude. Also see his variation: the dude at the film festival who asks a question just to not-subtly imply that he would make a better film than the filmmaker did, and throws in a reference to a French New Wave director to prove his cred.

Rarely a day passes where I don’t thank the gods that I didn’t have to endure adolescence over social media. As it is I limit myself to Facebook because I know if I had a Twitter account I would say regrettable things that could never be truly deleted.

i believe my username is all i need to express my sentiments about this.

You are my hero. My three years of paper shit has only moved with me once, but yeah.

Are they still killing newborns in front of their mothers and stabbing pregnant women in the gut? That may have been what did me in a few seasons back. (I was nursing an infant. Probably didn’t help).

I can’t wait to not read the insufferably narcissistic book she will write about this.

Bobby always disappoints on the Sister Wives stories. What, Bobby, do you want me to have to go to the newsstand and actually buy the tabloid like a commoner? Because I WANT TO KNOW.

Right? Right? There are only 2 possibilities here - very thirsty straight dude or gay dude needing beard so can play sociopath womanizing spy. My bet’s on the latter.

This was the exact gif that came to mind when I heard this story. Why Hiddles? Whhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Same exact thing happened to a friend of mine. Only in his case, they were off-duty cops. They broke his rib.

Truth. The only white/light pants I’ve ever felt comfortable wearing are my light GAP maternity jeans, because that’s the only time a YM story-event is out of the question.

Wait, is Avalanche software different from Avalanche studios based in NYC and Sweden?

They could have given her Jane Krakowski’s nod. I find her insufferable.

This exact line is what caused me to nope the fuck out of the Southern Baptist Church I was attending at age 12. Not just that the pastor said it, but that my dear sweet little girlfriends believed it and tried to convince me it was God’s way. If that’s God’s way, well, I’m going to go the way of being a feminist

One time my kid was throwing a tantrum in a parking lot and running laps around the car and I looked up because I recognized a voice and it was Bill Murray watching me fail at parenting. This is a true story and I wanted to melt into the pavement.

I approve this new format. It’s great to just skip past the Kimye stuff, even if it’s half the content.