
Credible accusations of voter fraud? Please. It seems you get your news from the same sources that called Al Gore a flip-flopper and swift-boated John Kerry. Take off the tin foil hat for a moment and realize that you are just spouting years of conservative spin by proclaiming Hillary “scum.”

OK. Throw away your vote on a statement, and hand the presidency to a party that doesn’t believe in the science of climate change. That will do wonders for the environment. It’s not like the greenest Democrat ever nominated once lost an election because of protest votes. Oh wait.

You mean voting for Obama? That was not a long-odds vote at all. He had the support of the party, an unbelievably comprehensive ground organization, (which I saw first hand when I registered voters for him in Scranton) and large amounts of money brought in by both small individual contributions and larger liberal

By all means. That worked so well in 2000. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

Or two jobs, like my mom did when my dad skipped out on his payments. And she always made a home cooked dinner too. Fuck this guy and his sob story.

Seriously. Every family who loses a baby due to some completely preventable disease they caught from their unvaxxed neighbor’s kids should be able to sue this guy.

What, Amy? Say it ain’t so! I’ve only interacted with her once, when I was a unpaid receptionist aka intern at a movie production company, and she seemed fine, if tired.

They somehow don’t understand the distinction between slut-shaming and useless-human-being-who-demands-too-much-bandwidth-and attention-while-contributing-absolutely-nothing-to-the-culture - shaming. Even her husband produces (bad) music. She produces nothing but publicity. Because Americans are idiots.

The headline was about Brad and Angie and yes we know these stories about them breaking up have been going on for 10 years but still - I honestly don’t give one flying fuck about the Kardashians. If they’re a side story leave them there.

What happened to Talisa (which didn’t happen in the book, right?) on the GOT show makes me think TWD would be unlikely to copy it for the shock value. My bet is Carol.

And now for a Jamie Foxx story because I’m procrastinating. Many years ago I temped briefly on an MTV show about Diddy which required logging hours and hours of tape of him and his friends in the recording studio. At one point Jamie Foxx shows up with his then tween daughter and shows her around, and then leaves her

I came here for Jamie and Claire gifs and you people have failed me.

Yeah, but in my high school science class, the textbook had to have a sticker saying that evolution was just a theory. Because of the school board. It’s amazing how you can defend institutionalized ignorance if you really try.

She really is like a Disney cartoon. But the producers can cast her and congratulate themselves on casting someone who is technically only half-white. Diversity! I won’t watch it if it’s her because I can’t take someone who fake smiles ALL the time. Would watch the hell out of a Jubilee season though.

I’ve never gotten it either. Is it the weird distortion he does to his voice to cover the fact he can’t sing? His bad or just self-aggrandizing rap lyrics? What is it that people fawn over?

I think they may off Carol. They’ve been working on making her unlikeable and single-minded for awhile now. She was supposed to die back in the prison but the actress who played Lori saved her. That character doesn’t seem to have anywhere else to go. As for Maggie, it seems doubtful that TWD would steal a page

You’re right. Cash settlement = totally innocent, no wrongdoing here, move along folks. And no, she didn’t get off because she’s a woman. She got off because she’s a famous, wealthy, incredibly well-connected woman. Better?

Maybe they didn’t find her guilty of criminal liability, but she was negligent/not paying attention, she hit someone’s car, they got pushed into oncoming traffic, they died. Whoops.

What bothers me is that no one reports the margins by which men voted for Bernie over Hilary in New Hampshire. No one says, oh, the men went for Bernie by 70%, they must be voting with their penises. Even though, if we get down to brass tax, some of them must be for him to have won the men by that high a margin

Also she killed someone with her car and got off scott free because “meh, women drivers amirite?”