
My side won the ELECTION the last time.

It’s almost as if....gasp!.....you should quit talking about it so much. You point out that everytime you do, bad shit happens. Maybe try another tactic and see what comes from it.

As opposed to the paragon of masterful, tough negotiation......Barack Obama?

You know that moment your partner wants to tell you that you need to calm down and quit being hysterical? This is that moment, except I’m not scared to say it to you.

Don’t fucking dare pull that condescending act on me. WE only care about winning?Let’s play this one all the way out-

Tell me about your understanding of the law, genius.

Not illegal. 

Oh cool. So you won't be shitting on other's lack of evidence anymore either? Nah you will, we just won't give a fuck about it from now on.

Statement, question, blah blah. Still waiting.

I wanted the factual answer, not an opinion. You've missed the bullseye again.

Oh cool. Did they design the flag?

Actually....we do. Which is what I said. You just don't like my answer.

It was a question. There was a question mark. You just didn't like the answer that was coming. Typical lib.

Lol violated.

Agreed. This was my favorite part of the Obama years. Obama bumper sticker? Hmmm. Yep not hiring that piece of shit.

As many people who have proof of Trump/Russia collusion?

You claiming a symbol is racist, doesn't make it so. Welcome to adulthood.

Sounds fun. They are doing a good enough job wiping out 5-10 dem voters every weekend, we’ll trade you guys one if we can keep rolling with those ratios.

Adults in the room? You guys lost because you argue everything from the viewpoint of a hysterical toddler. Keep it up.

Lol. Dumbest comment of the fucking week right there.