Can we still call them unintelligent and emotional disasters?
Can we still call them unintelligent and emotional disasters?
As soon as you cowardly fucks throw yourself off of a cliff into the ocean, we’ll consider trading one of our own for a hanging.
You would be correct. I don’t give two fucks, just like 99% of this country.
No, fuck you and your cunty mouth. Just because you don’t see any correlation, it doesn’t make it untrue.
You should probably start giving a fuck. You'll get farther in life without that big ol' attitude.
This would be true if the NRA wasn’t 10 times more culturally and politically relevant than any Native American issue in 2019.
Oh God. Just fucking stop already. What “strong evidence”? There’s as much hysteria on display here as the equally terrible Breitbart comment section over the Clinton email BS. Being an American adult is starting to be really depressing. Your candidate lost the election and we’re going to be ok. Same advice for the…
Dear Native Americans,
Brilliant commentary as usual, ya giant pussy bitch.
Or do i need to reaffirm my allegiance every day, comrade?
So let's just do it like once a year instead of every day at school. Oh, and we can skip the 20 times a weekend that I have to sit through the national anthem too. All seems a bit much, no?
This does sort of come down to not being taught to just chill and not “disturb the peace”. You can sit for the pledge and probably just end up in the school office. I don’t even think that is a proper way of the adults handling it but it is better than going to jail. On the other hand, once you start throwing a…
I wish more people would think like this. 150% agreement from this guy right here. I love this country but I sure as shit don't worship it.
The height of irony -
Hey, keep changing the subject and we'll just confuse each other even more. Wow. I never said any race was superior to another. You guys do spin a good yarn though, gotta give you that.
I said nothing about slaves building our country. Would it help if we just put black people statues up beside the other ones? I mean....we had the ideas so that has to count for at least half I guess.
Lol that's partially true. Want to keep talking about it for another 100 years? You're free now. Make your own luck.
Put on your glasses numbnuts. The idiot above you said that Antifa was protesting nazis. They weren't. You're a few comments behind genius.