She can’t. She can only dunk on conservatives on the most banal issues. The fact that she’s incapable of fending her friend & colleague tells me she’ll be unable to fight the good fight when it actually matters.
She can’t. She can only dunk on conservatives on the most banal issues. The fact that she’s incapable of fending her friend & colleague tells me she’ll be unable to fight the good fight when it actually matters.
First ingredient: Sugar
First ingredient: Sugar
I love how Splinter is gushing over this. The guy has already been disbarred and is facing a prison sentence, what incentive do you think he has to tell the truth?
Look, I’m not going to defend his views, but you have to tell me how his post above is trolling. Irrelevant? Yes. Troll? Enlighten me, please.
One of many things Boddiger doesn’t understand: the law. He basically just said a beautifully manicured area was, in fact, beautiful. It’d be like if he took a picture of the White House lawn, tweeted how beautiful it was even if he did some of the work, but never mentioned the landscaper. This is just Boddiger…
I’m willing to start a fund that somehow pays for people to stop using ‘shipper’ the way it is used in the headline.
not saying that, telling them to keep having kids no matter what does not help.
If you dignify stupidity then they never learn.
If only AOC’s mother could have gotten a back alley abortion...*sighs wistfully*
I’m confused about what made his comment sexist. Or is this just the millionth time Splinter bloggers have been doing mental backflips to defend AOC’s increasingly off-base commentary and produce a click baity article?
To be fair, liberals have been telling people not to have kids since the original environmental panic of the early 70s. It’s a midset really, that they don’t like humanity, and wish to see it end, which is the only possible conclusion you can draw when someone tells you not to have kids. Fortunately for the future,…
Are we really going to pretend a hike through the desert didnt cause this, despite the attempts at care?
Likely none. Because people with MAGA hats know not to wear them in Chicago.
Way to, as usual, make everything out to be racist.
Napoleon, who was the result of the French Revolution, once said ‘Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.’ Leftists never can effect change without going way overboard. You can see it in the comments here, and in our national politics. They’ve gotten their inch so they’ll try to take a foot, then…
I think we have a beef with almost anyone here because there’s a lack of courage. It seems like we’re all radical because we deeply care about the people we represent and we want to throw down for them
Again with the pro-union propaganda?
Different jurisdictions and those idiots just called and wasted a cop’s time for a few min. He faked an actual attack and filled out actual legal paper work (or had it filled out for him) saying he was the victim of a hate crime. Kinda apples and oranges here.
He turned himself in. Turns out being an asshole nosy neighbor isn't illegal.