
It only needs to happen once and these out of control children will start behaving. To get this angry over political views is just damn ridiculous. 

Well then...you’re ok with me punching you in the face every time you have an emotional outburst about politics? I'm fine with relaxing our current assault laws if you guyscwant to start going in that direction. Something tells me my side won't be the one regretting it.

What should be the limit on my personal wealth? Obviously billionaires are too wealthy for your taste but is there an amount of money larger than your personal net worth that I should be allowed to have and still be considered a "good" person?

Ha @ creating jobs by taking money out of my pocket. This is why the idea will get crushed in record time.

I mean...you could just ride out the next few years until the next election like a grown adult. Who am I kidding? You'll keep pouting like a toddler instead of just going for the win in 2020.

Not nearly as inconceivable as the fact that you keep grasping at straws trying to find small victories over Trump where there are none to be found. 

That’s some legit critical thinking there asshole.

Rebuttal from another man -

Does it automatically give you a free pass to be an asshole because your kid got shot? 

He just burned that bitch and her whole rebuttal to the ground in less than a minute. What fucking sport is she playing? Not sure which sport celebrates losers but.....she does seem to be a pro.

Probably as many times as you and your pals called him the following -

I enjoyed it. Someone spoke the truth and you can't wrap your head around that. She is one bad week of eating away from getting at least one limb cut off because of a diabetic episode.

Powerless woman shows ass and claps in face of the most powerful man in the world. Powerless woman woke up this morning still powerless.

I know. Thanks.

I don’t know anyone that listens to Ben Shapiro. Not a fan myself.

The fact that these policies poll well just goes to show that the vast majority of Americans really are dumber than I ever thought.

Which side is really trolling? We don’t understand how you guys could possibly be serious with any of the leftist garbage you propose either. Hmm. Well, looks like we all just have to deal with each other's comments. Get out your big boy panties and deal with it.

Haha turn on a fucking tv in the past 2 years?

Waiting for citations on supposed “lies” from the past few days. Should be an easy list to compile, right?

We can move on from any story about Native Americans. It's like worrying about the crumbs at the bottom of a potato chip bag. This isn't the late 1800's