
Nah. Everyone knows you guys have been hysterical and it’s never gonna stop.

Sure isssss. Just remember who's in control while you guys are still just shouting at the sky. No fucks given about your opinion.

You fucking libs have NO IDEA what we sit around and discuss in private behind your backs every day. 

We all sit around and laugh at her wild eyed adderall and prozac induced rants. If that’s fear, yep we’re pretty frightened.

It's a counterpoint to the ridiculous shit you guys say about Trump. Get used to it. 

Glad that flat bottom stayed right where it was. Pout away little girl.

Looks like someone missed the pic of Prozac addict AOC and that fat Hawaian woman. Woof.

Booo hoooo libs. Trump's dick in your mouth for the next 45 minutes.

How can you read his account of what happened and think anything other than....hoax?

The fuck you talking about pal?

I'll call it a tie until 3 weeks from now. Good luck with the next round after calling him Pelosi's bitch. This won't end good at all. 

So easily triggered....

I made my point and then I made my second one. How is that moving the goalpost? Good lord man, next time I'll just split it up into two different comments.

Your comment has less stars than his. You lose.

Dear White Guy That Writes For The Root,


You may be the most high functioning retard in this comment section. Kudos.

I didn’t move the goalposts. All I said was win next time. It shouldn’t be that difficult with all of the random handfuls of shit that you guys throw up against the wall. Something’s gotta stick, right?

My guy won so....

It won us an election.