
Again, they’re not suing over being called racist. Read the article with your eyes instead of your feelings and get back to me. They're threatening to sue over the lie that they caused the conftontation. 

Obviously the 2016 election scoreboard still has you triggered. After a few years most people get the fuck over it and try to win the next one instead of sitting around being a whiny bitch.

These federal workers are either inept, lying, or completely fucking stupid. Go get a loan from a credit union. It's so easy. It's almost like the people complaining the loudest kinda deserve it. Go spend 30 minutes to an hour trying to get a low to no interest loan instead of spending your day bitching.

Umm yeah you read it right. Guess I missed your point. Again, so what?

Where did he say they were suing for libel over being called racists? Read the actual story again and get back to me.

Yes yes, obviously I don't know how any of this works. Wonder why you guys are always losing then? Hmmm....

No one owes you either option in this case. Justice for what? Your feelings?

Why would they drop their case? Even if you can prove a racist attitude at the school, no rational person in those circles would give a fuck. They aren’t exactly catering to the black community right now anyway. It wouldn't have any noticeable negative impact at all. That's what you folks just can't seem to

Unfortunately for you, being a racist isn't a crime or something that you can be sued for unless it's proved that you somehow negatively impacted an employment opportunity or something in that vein. So what if they're racists, that's not what is being argued here.

What did they do wrong? Smirk? Yell? Invade another group’s personal space (oops that was the old dude).

No. You punch the sweaty indian beating the drum 6 inches from your face square in the mother fucking jaw.

Ya’ll know she had help with these little snappy comebacks, right? She can’t even form a cohesive sentence on her own.

Did you all talk about the FACTS of the supposed voter suppression? I doubt it, becauae there were some great articles written about it today that show how damn foolish all of this hand wringing really is.

Holy hell, he was agreeing with you.

Your kids cry because you live in shitty neighborhoods and make poor life choices. I can safely say with 99% certainty that there was not a single white person that made your kids cry in 2018. 

What else can you do? How about you try to speak and act like a rational human being instead of calling every policy you disagree with "racist". The people that matter tuned you and your kind out as soon as you started spouting that bullshit.

When Trump won and you people walked off of your jobs?

Acosta gets shit on because of the damn way he looks. Completely feckless.

You seriously typed this out while the Antifa gang is out playing ding dong ditch at a journalist’s house?

Bring them to heel? Take your masks off and then come try it.