While the Scag is ugly, that’s only down to its inspiration–the 375MM Scaglietti-Bergman that Roberto Rossellini had commissioned for his wife, Ingrid Bergman–being questionable in the looks department as well.
Or get it stolen.
Also, rent a minivan or SUV to bring the kid+stuff to college. Why put a one-time use case requirement on a daily driver?
Finally, someone gets it. There has been a tragic lack of off the wall wild cards of late.
BMW i3. No better city car.
If I had a nickel for every time the inside of my skull got X-Rayed by an oncoming Acura MDX...
The answer is not adaptive headlights - that’s a nice bonus, but doesn’t do anything about the higher-and-higher headlights, the alignment drifting over time, and the illegal aftermarket mods. The first screams out for regulation - a simple rule that says all headlights must be mounted at or below a certain height…
Also it is easier to hide the cost of the batterie behind the cost of luxury.
Using Lexus to do EV’s makes sense. Luxury buyers are more apt to buy an EV than a traditional full-line OEM buyer, so it should be easier to sell those via Lexus than Toyota.
people who don’t understand military fuel insist on calling JP-8 “Jet Fuel” and while the JP stands for Jet Propellant due to outdated nomenclature, JP-8 is actually used in much larger volume by the Army as a ground vehicle fuel.
I am not part of the casting industry directly but I work at a company that supplies foundries. This is an interesting use of die casting. It is very large for that type of casting. Cast parts can be a lot less labor intensive but the drawback is that they are more difficult, if not impossible, to repair. I am a bit…
I see Brie Larson in the trailer...is she going to show up in her generic Nissan and spout off generic cliches about driving? “Dom, you deliver thrills at every turn!”
But why would they redirect on the last two films? This is it - they’re going to go out on the same tone that they’ve developed into. I liked Tokyo Drift quite a lot - but that’s not what the series is even remotely about anymore, and going back there (or, God-knows, to 2F2F) would be incredibly jarring.
Go one step further to the real roots, bring in Keanu Reeves as EffBeeEye! Agent Johnny Utah.
Hey Jim;
It’s good to the Expendables franchise becoming more diversified. I look forward to the next installment that has Dom’s son stealing an Avenger’s jet in order to take down Cobra.
I would love to see the film return to its underground street racing routes with typecast but interesting characters instead of jumping hypercars off skyscrapers, shooting a Fiero into space, and The Rock taking down a Blackhawk with a steel cable. It would be great to send them off in a more grounded, if a bit campy…
Did...did he just squash a car with the Charger like muhfuggin’ Mario and then accelerate in the air to overpower two helicopters?