I can picture Bosh chilling at a cookout with a longneck.
I’m calling Bullshit. There’s no fucking chance somebody is signing up to have sex with Kirstie Allie.
I’m almost positive that the dance partners on this show are contractually obligated to have sex with each other.
The team couldn’t pay him a coaching salary as a player-coach (it’s prohibited by the CBA). And LeBron doesn’t work for free. He will undermine someone else’s work for free, but that’s just his hobby.
Funny. When Delonte West was on the team it was James’ mom who was head coach.
Yes. Match penalty means intent to injure, and an automatic suspension.
I believe UFC 197 is scheduled for April 23rd, not April 3rd.
hey-great job correcting the author, who was too hasty reporting a story that broke several hours ago to be accurate.
So because Rob Dibble got upset, this is a big deal?
NO,no,no. You get in the cops face, how dare he pull you over or stop you for any reason. He has no right. Cops cant just start asking for papers and asking questions? Is this Nazi Germany? What authority do they have?!
Jones is being pissy but he’s being completely cooperative. Is it normal for the cop to be a fucking asshole right back? To serve and protect...with a side of sass?
Next week from Giri:
Is it really, though?
Wait...did he say someone pulled this move off successfully last week??!
It is exactly how he put it. Some people can’t read or even would ignore things just to make it fit into their viewpoint.
So he intervened in a fight, presumably in favor of a friend or family member, and that becomes “beating a woman”? I’ll tell you this, you fuck with one my friends I don’t give a shit what’s between your legs I’m coming in swinging.
It sounds to me like the dead relatives in question were the subject of the conflict; he implies that the fight was over something the woman was saying about them.
Who are the 5 best basketball players of all time? Think about it. Dillon, Dillon, Dillon, Dillon and Dillon.