
You know what, everyone just needs to leave the Satanists alone.

It would be more realistic if the film were about a coven of friendly Satanists who rescue a pizza girl from a group of evil Christians.

And Arby’s goes all nihili—oh.

I don’t think there’s a single piece of Star Trek I’d give an A.

See I just don’t get this. Rushmore fucking wrecked me, on a deep, emotional level. It’s about a kid’s illusions falling apart, and realizing he can’t have what he wants. It’s quite brutal. People mistake the fantasy and unrealism in Anderson’s films for emotional detachment but they’re about people trying to make

“Hey, Debbie Downer, turn that frown upside down and just be happy”

I was once asked to vouch for a fellow employee. I didn’t feel it should fall on me to decide if someone keeps their job or not. I told the boss “he actually reminds me of you”. When he was fired a few months later the boss was mad that I’d vouched for him. I pointed out that what I said wasn’t intended to be a

The way you do it is. 

Dum dum, a smokey eye is a make up technique (google it, I’m sure you can find some tutorials) and the joke was that her make up looked good. The joke is a direct jab at her being a transparently bad liar not her appearance.

Maybe listen to, or look at a transcript of what was actually said before treating us to your performative feminism?

She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.

The hallmark of every mediocre brunch place.

So if we can take a lesson from a long-extinct species: If you sniff or smell something and it doesn’t initially appear to agree with you—leave it the hell alone.

Cowboys From Hell, Primal Concrete Sledge and Psycho Holiday would be my Pantera choice. I tried to find a way to fit a run with “Domination” in it but couldn’t.

March of the Pigs > Closer > Ruiner or Closer > Ruiner > The Becoming for NIN for me. I LOVE Mr. Self Destruct and Piggy, but Heresy doesn’t work for me.

Ha, I was just thinking of I Think That I Would Die -> Gutless -> Olympia.

I think the best issue of all was the post Bush/Gore election chaos issue.

Meh, I’ll continue to say fuck off to anyone with a genuinely stupid, bad faith opinion, which is basically what being against workers unionizing and empowering themselves is in a nutshell.

I discovered the Onion in Chicago in the 90s. It was a free weekly back then (print only). When they had empty space to fill in the paper they would just print “Passersby were amazed at the unusually large amounts of blood” over and over.

Sorry to break it to you, but The Dissolve closed doors three years ago*. I’d love to say that Phipps, Tobias, Robinson, Koski and Rabin are all doing brilliantly, with well paid gigs at prestigious sites which refuse to churn out GJI style content, but unfortunately I’d be lying.
