
IM going to try roasting a duck with garlic & lemons in its bum!! Hope it works out.

Maybe try a tshirt strip or something non-scratchy to help spread ointment to the hard to reach places? I know I’ve seen specialty products for elderly folks for lotioning themselves.

I like to boop him when he’s trying to groom.

My store just startrd carrying jackfruit. Is it worth $25?

Skip it & go do something you enjoy. Don’t feel bad about it. Obligatory ‘holidays’ piss me off. That’s what I’d do but I’m also an asshole ;)

What polish is that? It’s beautiful. I always wear dark reds but like to berry it up for summer. Also, that looks like a very good dog.

107 heat index in Tulsa. I want to die.

Weed. I either have 1/2-1/4 edible or one good hit off my pen. Safer than ambien(woke up to a sink full of cut hair once, although I did do a pretty good job). If I wake up to pee I take another hit & am out within 5 minutes.


There’s a pangolin conservation page on insta! They post videos of them being adorable.

You guys THIS IS SO GOOD!!!! Listening to it now!!

Senator Langford (lucky me!!!) had an unannounced, invite only,’ phone in’ town hall that I didn’t even know about till the following day. People who had recently contacted his office supposedly got an invite. From what I read, the caller got one question & was then cut off. I won’t even bother with Jim “ Snowball”

You can still request tickets!! I got my two just now. It makes me happy to take away potential seats from the Red Hats 😇

FYI Jack Antonoff is matching ACLU donations!!!!!! He’s asking for receipts via the twitter. I’m gray & people may not see this but if you do PASS IT ALONG!!!!

Colloidal silver. You can get it at health food stores. Oprah had a man on her show once that had turned ‘blue’.

My Lunette changed my life. I would leak through a super plus every hour or so. I only have to mess with the cup every 5-6 hours & haven’t had an accident in over a year. I highly recommend them!

Donations are being tripled through the end of today guys!!!!!! Give $5 if you can

I feel like I’ve seen a pancake made in a rice cooker. It looked amazing. If it’s a real thing will you PLEASE try it & report back 🤗

Yay!!! An Okie!! We’re in Tulsa & im ready for spring already. Made a big pot of gumbo & stocked up on wine so I don’t even need to leave the house till Monday.