
Since I’m not getting back any response from the Jezebel techies, I’ll just ask it here: am I the only one who’s having trouble signing in? I can’t get into my account on my phone (ongoing problem for the past months) or my computer (since Friday). I’m using the latest updates of everything on Mac devices. And the

I really hope she beefs with Beyoncé at some point so Twitter is nothing but venomous bees and snakes. Like Australia.

Dear MVP,

I think it’s worth wondering whether Cersei will try to ally with the Night King after seeing the wight. The Night’s King in the book was a man who married a White Walker woman who took his soul. I think the “wrap his hands around your white throat” could be an allusion to the fact that Cersei becomes the Night Queen,

Here’s one of my Peanut lying on Husband.

Your Finn looks like my goober James. He’s either the dumbest or the smartest cat alive. Maybe both.

My floofies, trying to look all innocent when I come in to see what’s causing all the banging and rattling in the bathtub.

Some things from this week:

My Gus with fren. 💙

100% chance there’s a haunted board game in there.


This is a good one too.

She does. I just ran to the Root before my head exploded. Thank Meghan.

I happened upon a husky mix 5 years ago and after several weeks of searching for her home with no luck, decided to keep her. She is the sweetest dog but Jesus is she hard work. They’re escape artists and runners and will not stop. After an entire year of obedience school and a real-time GPS collar, we’re a lot

Fuck off.

You are so right, my dear Mrs. Fingerbottom. But fear not. Brave souls, such as myself, are always willing to step in to bear the onerous task of spectating these tawdry displays of lewd behavior and thus spare the decent folk. You are most welcome and a good day to you, madam.

Better question: Would you hire Russian prostitutes to urinate on the bed of the AirBnB where Trump was conceived?

You’ll notice the red (dress), white (skin), and blue (background) that signifies the French flag. France the country that gave us the baguette. Baguettes that get stale after a few hours. Hours, not theirs. They’re trying to steal our country.