
Get your animal fixed people!

You don’t get black beans... and lentils are the worst? My god, man! I want to make you refried black bean nachos and/or Indian spiced lentils right now. Best case scenario I’d change your mind; worst case, I’d have a plate full of nachos and a bowl full of lentils all to myself. Everybody wins!

This is a problem everywhere in the U.S. Like the rest of our crumbling infrastructure, basic public health services like animal control are starting to fray to the point of no return. We’re looking more and more like a developing country all the time...but we have no excuse. Sorry to be so depressing....

Local governments don’t seem to put in road signs and stoplights in until someone is killed in an accident because of it- I guess it’s the same with murderous packs of wild dogs.

Evil is as evil does. Sorry, I know a lady who has 300 cats. It matters very little what delusional bullshit she tells herself, not to the poor animals, and not particularly much to me.

police said they seized 59 dogs and eight horses from the home of Melinda Vinzant; they also found “several” dead dogs on the property.

Shit, I couldn’t think of the word “pinto” so I almost just wrote “refried” but I didn’t want to sound like a complete pleb.

Their newborn’s name is actually their first-born daughter Esmeralda Amada Gosling’s middle name.

Nailed it with Garbanzo....and I fn forgot about Kidney. crap! Still might have to put Kidney after Pinto though. One thing is for sure...not getting any work done today until this is all settled.

Thank you, it’s not even been very long just a few months but whenever someone who doesn’t seem to be trying get’s pregnant and seems the least bit irresponsible on top of it, it pisses me off. It’s like I react as if there is some sort of finite amount of children that can be had and they got to have MY baby. It’s


He was so mad. :D


My favorite storylines involve Marlena forgetting who she is, trying to kill someone she loves, remembering who she is *just in time* because true love always wins, having a touching moment of clarity and resolution, and then falling downstairs/plane crash/motorcycle accident/DiMera plot and forgetting who she is

EJ is baby Elvis, the son of Kristen’s evil twin in the whole fake-pregnancy plot. After Kristen was thwarted, the evil twin and the DiMera butler took baby Elvis to the UK and raised him there. Then he came back and assaulted Sami, she got pregnant with fraternal twins (one fathered by EJ, the other by Lucas).

I kept baiting him for a while after I dismissed him, so I definitely had my fun. :x

It’s not a very good manicure. I would just do the cuticle and edges clean-up myself with my handy polish remover pen, but then I only pay about $12-15 for mine. I’m betting this was a little more.

Blac needs to go back and tell that bitch Paige to redo her index and middle finger on her right hand because that shit is borked and it’s really upsetting me.

And then Boris Johnson dropped to his knees and screamed ‘KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!’

Can we talk about Justin Bieber and love please? My kid has been insisting on watching that “Love Yourself” video a lot and there’s this opening bit where he tries to define love and it’s EMBARASSING. It’s like how 8th graders define love. “Love is just doing something for someone because you want to do it.” WHAT.