
MMMmmm! I had this lentil stew at a Kenyan inspired restaurant here and it surprised me how delicious it was! Lentils all spiced up and cooked right can be delicious. And I used to prefer pinto to black beans, mostly because I'm from New Mexico and I saw black beans as bougie and for tourists. But now I love them so

My siblings and I watched the hell out of Mr Bean! It’s probably why I have such a weird and random sense of humor. And we still watched without any dialogue which I can’t picture kids really doing. Wait, my nephew watched Pingu so strike that. Seriously took me down memory lane with this joke!

That may be true, but in this case they are committing a real crime while regular hoarders commit the crime of collecting way too much shit. These people are abusing and neglecting these animals so to me it's definitely different than a regular hoarder of just stuff.

Thanks for posting this. For some reason, there is still a big stigma with adopting pets from local shelters and it just reinforces this loop of more unwanted dogs out there. I am disgusted by the idea of designing a dog like some kind of a fucking car, but that’s where we are. I just wish it was more mainstream to

There is just so much pressure when you want something that badly which I completely understand. And the thing about there being some finite amount - also 100% relate to that. It just seems so easy for some people, and when you're trying I bet that makes it infinitely worse. Hang in there, even if it doesn't happen

In the books I assume? Haven't read them so that makes sense - thanks for the answer

Wait, is the woman in the blue dress Margaery? I can see it now that you pointed it out, and because of the rose. But it kind of looks like she is wearing a wig, so I can’t understand why she wouldn’t get a blonde wig? Don’t get me wrong, I’m brunette so I think it looks pretty. I just can't compute this is my brain,

I told Ma all that Hobbit studying would come in handy one day

Good. This post definitely took a turn, but it was nice seeing you dismiss that POS and it warms my heart to know he was fucked with a little bit. Small victories should be celebrated

That’s so hilariously accurate! She has the best angry/confused/brainwashed faces ever too! I remember when I first started watching, she was trying to kill John who at the time was brainwashed into thinking he was a priest?? But then they fell madly in love and that started the whole Marlena/John saga right? The

OH MY FUCKING JEEBUS. How did I not realize who EJ was????!! And Sami was like a teen at the very least while those storylines were going on. Didn’t she and Lucas already have a son by then? And then EJ aged like 20 yrs in 5?!!!! GAHHHHH!!!! Makes so much sense though, now that you say that. I missed so much of the

Afternoon Tea!

Yeah, I was wondering if I just am unfamiliar with mani standards, but that looks like the shit I do myself on my bed while watching tv. And it looks like gel polish, which should have cleaner edges. I said to myself "I hope she got PAID to post that pic"

Part of me kind of wishes their handle was showing because fuck this piece of shit. But good for you in being above this fucking turd nugget

My brother does! That's so awesome, thanks for the tip!

This is the funniest thing I've read about the show since I stopped watching. I loved the Bo and Fancyface story, it was Twue Wuv!!

AHahahahaa!!! I think that was the other DiMera that was married to Sami?? EJ???? And he assaulted her or something I thought? I missed so much of this part of her storyline but caught little bits here and there. And then she was somehow with dude from Passions? Poor Sami

Thanks for being easy on me. And I'm sorry it's been difficult, I'm 30 and last year started to really consider trying. I wasn't trying, but wasn't being careful and it didn't happen and I felt so horribly awful and sad and pretty angry sometimes seeing it happen so easily for other people. So I can only imagine how

Good point, I didn't really consider that.

Thanks for the link. I couldn’t listen to the discussion, but this definitely stood out. I’m not a mom, but damn this makes me want to hug mine and tell the world to fuck off