
Yeah, her voice is such a beautiful low key, but also can go high and show her vulnerability. Very emotional singing, it makes my heart cry but in that good way where you feel good afterward. I need to find more of her older stuff for sure

I think everyone on that show was brainwashed by Stefano at some point. But my favorite was the Kristen/Kirsten/Evil twin Kirsten story! She kept Marlena locked in a cell and then used a body double to pretend to be pregnant for her, and the body double had an evil twin somehow!!!! Dun.Dun.Dunnnnnnn!!!!! I also loved

And my actual name is Angelica so that is essentially what all of my emails are like

Me too, I found it thinking it would all be low-brow humor and list-icles (6 reasons the Jedi are actually evil - which I really like). But they have all these really thoughtful posts mixed in too which gives it some nice variety. And the writers are seriously funny, I love all the photo captions. They’re often even

I guess that is where I disagree and would say being able to distinguish a difference is more that you were raised listening to certain type of pop and therefore are able to better discern different sounds within that genre. For me, I think all 80s basically sounds the same (still love it) and all Motown sounds

Yeah, I came to this thread from a link in the post today and didn't realize how old it was and was so embarrassed for posting so late. Thanks for still replying, and then making me laugh again!! That is real sisterly solidarity to me

Yuuuuuup to all of that. Paul Thomas Anderson is one my all time favorite directors. And he is married to Maya Rudolph! Makes me like her more than I already did. I miss her Whitney :( “Bobby B!”

Also, I see that other people had a similar comment so I'm not trying to jump onto anything. Just was legitimately curious why it was a problem for you

But why? She isn’t flying the plane. And ecstasy doesn’t usually result in people getting extreme or violent. I guess I can understand that they're in a confined space, but even then I don't really see the problem. People drink on planes and I'm pretty sure drinking causes worse violent or extreme reactions in people

I’m such a dork - I opened the Gloria Steinem article because I hadn’t heard of it and the comments had a fuckin awesome ass fight going on and I read ALLLLLL of it and it was glorious. And then I left a comment. Months later. This is the progression of my emotions:

I’m such a dork - I opened the Gloria Steinem article because I hadn’t heard of it and the comments had a fuckin awesome ass fight going on and I read ALLLLLL of it and it was glorious. And then I left a comment. Months later. This is the progression of my emotions:

This is seriously the funniest thread I’ve read in soooooooo long. I can’t believe how butt hurt people got. You said the clothes are ugly and likely representative of the ugliness in the majority of a certain “type” of customer. Who the fuck cares! It's likely 90% true anyway So thank you :) This is seriously like an

I will forever love Magnolia for introducing me to the beauty of Aimee Mann and her haunting voice. FUCK. I’m getting chills just thinking about it and I haven’t even clicked the link to listen yet!

HAhahaa, I like this post. It captures the absurdity of the situation without the “coming of the antichrist” extremes.

LOL, didn't she just have ecstasy on her though? She isn't exactly a crack addict or doing meth or heroin. Granted, I don't think all drug use is automatically bad so I don't see the problem

Yeah, I don’t know why but a lot of people seem to dislike her for reasons that are just as applicable to any other celebrity - woman or not. I think at the very least she’s harmless and at most she gives brown women like me someone beautiful to see on tv that looks like them and that is a fuckin awesome thing. Her

I’m discovering that pop music has always been this way. Manufactured and a fucking machine. Somehow finding out that even The Clash and the Sex Pistols were completed created by their managers makes me able to still enjoy the current music without saying to myself “Music USED to be so good”

AHahahaha! Reminds me of the episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force with the “Foreigner Belt” which has powers when you sing Foreigner Songs. So they sign “Dirty White Boy” to get meatwad to steal, and sing “Cold as Ice” to freeze someone.

FUUUUUUCK that movie is so damn good. So many quotable lines, my siblings and I can have entire conversations just quoting lines from that! “But you can’t take away my dig-ni-ty!!!!!” “SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!”

I bet you’re a knockout in ways you don’t even realize. It always amazes me how differently people see you than you see yourself, and people end up loving parts of us that we can’t stand to look at. I’m 30, and I’ve always thought older women had this sexiness that was more than just sexy. Even as a teen girl, I would