
There is????? She is really funny though. I fell in love with her once I watched the Bieber SNL clips, and then I became mildly obsessed once I saw the outtakes of the Bieber clips which are even better. She does physical comedy really well, and that isn’t always easy to do

Man, what a good movie. I didn’t realize the satirical aspect before I watched it and finally did and IT IS SO GOOD!!! Tom Cruise is always at his best playing a fuckin asshole and his Les Grossman is so compelling. Love this scene:

Perfection. It will also help her to open up more to her boyfriend/family/new love interest

HHAHhahahaa!!! This seriously made me snort

aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAaaAAAAAAAAH!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING A, this is fantastic. That is by far one of the absolute best moments in cinema history!!!!! I always hear it in his lil fast, mean voice too. You made my damn day. SO HILARIOUS!!!

I think it’s clear the fight was premeditated but I have a hard time seeing it as intentional murder. And I think like you said, where I am from people got into fights like this all the time and I have a hard believing those also were intended to result in murder. Granted, I haven’t read too many details about this. I

FWIW I understand 100% what you're saying here and you were very clear. Sometimes, if you don't hit every single point here then someone will come at you with "Oh yeah, well you forgot about X!" as though that invalidates your point somehow. And you're right, I went to a school where girls got into fights so often and

Hee hee

They’re just splitting hairs. Pastrami is the meat itself, so you can have a pastrami sandwich. A Reuben is a type of sandwich but made with corned beef which is similar to pastrami but kinda not. Also like someone mentioned, Reuben’s are served with sauerkraut traditionally and cheese and Russian dressing so they

And I’m sort of the opposite. I’ve been to only about 6 different states so every time I go somewhere new I always am like a brand new baby experiencing the world all over again. I would live in Chicago in a heartbeat even though the thought of living in a high rise makes me want to keel over. Austin is so much fun

YUP! Thank god I have had mostly women managers who were seemingly more understanding and didn’t hold it against me. I’m just so emotional and an emotional crier. So I cry when I’m happy, when I’m sad but especially when I'm angry and frustrated and it suuuuucks. Because I am actually very skilled and knowledgeable

Yeah she has high energy, but she also has this dark sarcastic humor that I like too. She's my pocket girlfriend and I love her

Agree with this take - I watch if I’m home at that time because it's the best thing on network tv at that slot. They definitely come off as a real partnership and seem to legitimately like each other. But I will say that they seemed to get along better more in the beginning? Just little things, like when they go over

I kind of agree with you, but I also want to imagine that she has this quiet moxie or fire that burns slow but hard. I remember her character in Go was pretty interesting so I’ve always pictured her more that way. Commanding but in a quiet and slow kind of way? I’m very optimistic, btw, which could explain all of this

This is my philosophy too, I find most places at the very least enjoyable. I can always find at least something that makes a place worth living; whether it's the food, weather, scenery or whatever. And I also love space, but some big cities I just love to death despite their size (Chicago, Austin). I think we should

This is the stuff that makes me wish I had cable. But Key and Peele did an AMA recently which was hilarious. Cant wait to see Keanu

Fuck. You need a break for sure. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Try to relax and take care of yourself as much as you can and hang in there.

I'm sorry, it sounds like you two were very close and that you have some wonderful memories. But loss is something that memories don't fill, so I'm deeply sorry.

I'm so sorry. Sending positive thoughts your way. Hang in there.

I know, it's so fun hearing it in his voice too! That is such a better spelling because it captures the speed in his voice, I like that