
I actually have somehow never seen that movie and need to get my life right and watch it soon because it looks insanely fun and crazy

Yeah, I was kind of worried about that too. I’m hoping they let her be more of a real mom than just a mean/sarcastic mom. The last episode where they each forgot their wedding anniversary was good, but I hope they don’t make her too mean because then it’s hard to like if it’s too much sarcasm (like when she lied so

I told my boyfriend this will be the movie that I will fully geek out over, and will wear a Susanna outfit and will dress my puppy as Oy for the opening day. He will obviously have to dress like Eddie. And I'll camp out overnight to get the first seat. This is the only thing in my entire life (30 short years) that has

You are one thousand percent exactly right. He is the kind of authentic sexy and sensual that you can’t pretend at. The kind that just radiates from within, and with that sexy face and smile it just made him something else entirely.

Yes, one of my favorite characters from the Stand says it and it that character in the book is so moving and really stuck with me. The Tower series are probably my favorites, and I'm DYING now that they're finally making them. And with Idris fucking Elba, nonetheless.

YES!!! It’s probably also why when I get really irritated my voice gets low and I extend out all my vowels like Ren. Such a great show.

NIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!! Just as I imagined it! This seriously makes me unreasonably happy. Thanks for indulging me. Congrats to your friend too, I will live vicariously through both of your glory! I’m still laughing at big red balls as the code word. Those big balls were the highlight of the show!

I miss Ren and Stimpy with SUCH a passion. It seriously informed my sense of humor. And the infomercials were fucking gold. It's Log! It's Log! It's big. It's heavy. It's wood! It's Log! It's Log! It's better than bad, it's good! FROM BLAMMO!!!!

I love this comment. You are my hero

Chris was LITERALLY the most sincere character ever written for tv and is somehow also one of the most loveable too. I get to watch him on Grinder now which is actually really funny. It also has The Waitress from Its Always Sunny, so even more reason to watch

It’s perfect because he is just gliding along like the magical man he is. Probably moonwalking but can do it going forward because he's fucking Prince

AHHAhahahaa!!! That’s fantastic and not at all surprising considering the type of obstacles on WipeOut. That was such a crazy show, I loved how each person got a little nickname to go with their personalities. The hosts were really witty and now I want to go watch some re-runs. I soooooo wanted to be on that show, but

You're so thoughtful and wonderful! That actually made me laugh and feel better :)

My god, that’s so true!!! I drove in to work today (I have an hour commute each way and usually take the train) and now I know what song is queued up first for the ride home

I want to play!

She is pretty whiny and I normally haaaaaaaaate that character on tv shows/movies. Maybe it's because she is usually the voice of reason or is reasonable that I empathize with her more and can still like her. I just wish she could kick some ass or something. I do think she has purrrrdy eyes tho, but I like big eyes.

This is such a shit day, and I should have known because I woke up having started my period :| So your post is actually moving me from just really knotty stomach pain from my emotions to actively crying from all the emotions. Perfect post.

Tell me about it, I love this look but for some reason if I buy nude eye shadow I think it makes me look dead or something. This is giving me some inspiration to finally move away from my gold eyeshadow that matches everything and I wear everyday to something more *ahem* adultish?

Oh man! You don't like Daya??!!! Even when they showed little Daya at camp and her mom being a total shitbag to her? :( Her character is a little bit whiny so I can see that. But I still like her and her drawings. So first of all: how dare you? And second: how DARE you??? /s

I've heard (and it makes a lot of sense) that the site is actually mostly for escorts. Which is why people pay for "guaranteed matches". Once I found that out, it all made horrifying sense