
It took me until "Well it's, just a ... simple fact" before I realized you weren't just an id gone wild. LOVE that song!!! Thanks for the laugh

“Dozens of dollars” is my favorite part

HAHahaha! Yeah, that was me when I first found it too! Now my work day is spent on equal parts Jezebel and Cracked, with some actual “work” work sprinkled in here and there ;P I’m so getting fired soon I bet :|

Had to post because this video and song is out of control amazing and makes my heart smile

GAWWWWWWWWD :( That is my most favorite of his songs too! It has everything - incredible lyrics, fast and fun beat, and that fucking intro that just makes me feel like life is amazing and I'm so lucky to be living at this moment. His songs make me feel that quite a lot

YEEEESSS!!!!!! I saw that episode after reading about it on Cracked. If you’re not familiar with Cracked, it’s a humor site and they have a lot of obscure posts on just weird random historical events or other strange things. And after watching lots of Mysteries at the Museum, I’m convinced the Cracked staff just

That’s the part where it’s so shameful. To acknowledge a movement that is getting recognition on very important issues through very hard ground work by many, many people against those in power; and then somehow take that and act as though the movement which has very little power compared to the institutions and

Thanks for articulating this sentiment so well. I am Hispanic and have zero connection to any Latino or Cuban or Mexican political movements and it hasn’t been until recently that the BLM movement had become visible that I realized I read about and know more about issues facing black men and women than I do about

Had to give a shout out to Mysteries at the Museum! Just watched another episode last night, and I'm constantly surprised by the stories. Oh, the recreations are just hilarious

Wow, you just described my own glass use rules that I didn't even realize I had until just now. My grandma did the same, but she had those old 80s and 90s grape jelly jars that had cartoon characters on them so they also kind of remind me of that so I sort of like them. Also the big opening is good for ice coming out

My ex used to do this all the time, so there were all these jars with half ripped off labels for salsa in his cupboard but never any space for all the actual glasses he had. It wasn’t like he didn’t have glasses or anything so I never really got it. But to be honest, I did kinda like using them for my ice water. Nice

That was incredible! I love the end too with the different classes doing their dance, way too awesome and bad ass. Thanks for posting

Yeah, and it’s only one of the many ways they will feel otherized as young girls by the beauty products available. I’m 30 yrs old and I have never found a pair of pantyhose that match my skin tone so I don’t even bother looking anymore and just buy black.

Yeah, it’s unfortunate that it’s so funny because it is sort of damaging because people actually believe it to be true. The more open regular people can be about it, the more this will change. But I do think it’ll take time. LOL about the job - it also means you can get better stuff too!

And also while she was just a teenager. That's not even mean, it's unnecessarily cruel. Some people delight in that kind of cruelty and its disgusting when they try to parade it around like "sarcastic humor"

Are you me??!!! :| Seriously though, I am probably high right now and no one would know. Not even me. Very seriously though, I think there is this misconception of what a “smoker” looks and acts like. And considering how closeted most smokers have been before legalization, I’m not surprised people have a specific idea

That doesn't mean that the judges can just choose to not enforce laws as written. Yes, it's a terrible situation. Yes, the cases should be tried so that they don't have to be dismissed. But what option do judges have in those cases? And how is harassing them going to help anything? This isn't about the drivers.

I love having my hair played with and taught my last two boyfriends the fine art of hair braiding. I was even moving up to French braids, but we broke up. But they both actually really liked it - they learn something new and they get to touch our pretty hair. Win-win.

LOL, that would be complement with an 'e' but I love the idea of her misunderstanding the question and People just changing it to "compliment" for the article so she doesn't look bad

Exactly. I work in procurement for the state government, and I'm interested to know how they decided to fund this project because it sounds like they're just giving MADD the money without going through any sort of procurement process (bid process with evaluation, etc) which is illegal in our state due to anti-donation