
What is the alternative? Judges are dismissing these cases because of failure of the DA to meet deadlines, to submit the required evidence. These rules of civil procedure are not established by the judges themselves. They only enforce the laws established by the legislature. So if the law says that a case must be

Yeah, that’s basically my mom too. It's amazing to me how many outdated sentiments on use still persist to this day. I mean, read some of these comments for fucks sake. I think it's really a lack of experience and a lack of information coupled with the decades long smear campaign. And surprise, surprise - people still

Here in New Mexico, a DUI wasn’t made a felony until about maybe 10-15 years ago. And it’s only a felony on your fourth conviction. And that’s a conviction, mind you. The dismissal rates here are so high so most repeat offenders have many, many DUI charges but only 2 0r 3 actual convictions.

That's exactly right. The focus on this is so misguided that it would be laughable if it didn't have real harm as a result to real people. These kinds of programs don't always work for everyone and not everyone is ready to make a change at that specific time, but it allows judges and the courts to handles these types

I'm having a hard time seeing the good intention here. A lot of the problem with repeat DUI offenders is that while they may have many charges, they may only have a few actual convictions because the dismissal rate for DUIs is so high in our state. So I don't see how harassing judges who are just doing their jobs

Most repeat offenders like the kind they should be targeting have had their licenses suspended for years and years. They don't own a vehicle but somehow manage to always find one to drive. I live in NM and repeat offenders are the real problem, not the one or two DUIs most people get. Here, they actually increase the

Agreed 100%. My sister received 2 DUIs fairly close to each other and the difference is the treatment program which includes AA and counseling. It’s been almost 2 years and she’s still in the program and doing better than she has in a really long time. She’s in school full-time and I think it's because she was able to

This is my nightmare for when I become a parent; that I will make some throwaway comment that I forget about that sticks with my kid for yeeeears. Because I know that feeling and it is fucking heartbreaking.

Fantastic shades!!! And the feathering is pretty on point. A+ for the layered necklaces

I love everything about this picture!! You're beautiful and you have such a cute little smirk and totally awesome glasses. And you look like my mom in an old pic she has so it makes me even happier to see!

Tell him you guys are dating now. He definitely deserves at least that.

Not braggy at all, I have the same problem with buying pants and some skirts. I have a problem with some pencil skirts because they're apparently designed for little to no buttage. I always try to find pants with a mid rise because too low=butt crack showing and too high=seam sticking out, puckered cuz it's too big.

This is the real issue, not the plastic surgery or their fame. This is what should be talked about

Wait a minute. Kathy Griffin - queen of plastic surgery and talking all about her own work she's done - made fun of Kylie?? For being ugly?! That's somehow not surprising but still disappointing. I was made fun of when I was younger and felt like ugly. That's a shitty feeling and Kathy should know of all people how

I think the same, but wow does this pic show the similarity between them!! Even their little haircuts are the same. I have to admit I stared at this picture for a little bit longer than I should have. He is so batshit now, but damn!

I seriously thought it was a photoshopped CD cover with a bunch of made up songs because they just get increasingly ridiculous, and when I got to the “You can’t make this up" I figured it was for sure fake. It's soooooo much funnier that it's real

You are extremely generous. I offer to fill in for you on nights/weekends/as necessary

HAHahahahahahaa!!!! I feel like that pic is the real model's roommate and took the pic to be all "check out my fancy ass dress I'm wearing to my fancy occasion" *apartment door closes* "SHIT. She's gonna kill me for wearing her work clothes again. I was just showering and wanted to look cuuuuuuuute!!!!"

I don’t view her positions on those issues as particularly bad, which maybe makes me more of a moderate than I realize, although I would never say the pursuit of military options is good - just that it can be necessary. Just like non-military interventions can have negative effects (sanctions can sometimes serve

Fair points - I do really appreciate the thoughtful reply and your explanation of the position which I can definitely understand. I do think HRC is not my perfect candidate and I agree with several of your points above in terms of the negative aspects of her policies. And I get it that for you and others who support