
Ha!! Oh man, poor Keanu. It was all fun and games until I read this about his life has actually been shitty and no wonder he looks so sad and depressed. I definitely want to see a Buddy Cop/Bromance starring Urrrshur and Keanu now though

In his 30s is young, it wasn’t said negatively at all. And yes, keeping your hair long is traditionally done more with younger men where I live so I’m not making shit up. I was making a fucking joke about the fact that it looks like something too on the nose to me. But if I offended your Bernie feelings then I’m

It’s very clear based on your comments that you very strongly support Sanders for specific reasons. It just doesn’t seem as though you see that people who support Hillary would also have valid reasons for doing so, even if those are reasons with which you can’t agree or don’t understand. Your decision is based on

Yeah, reading that made me get teary because I felt all of those exact feelings after ending a 10 yr relationship. We were apart for about two years and reconnected recently and it’s been fun getting to know who we are now. But reading this made me go back to those feelings and, wow, is that like nothing else.

LOL, the too diverse was meant to point to the fact that the group is seemingly put together to fit an idea of diversity and it just looks strange to me. And yes I get it, I live in New Mexico and have spent time on pueblos with my Native friends. And FYI most of them don’t wear it in braids just out and about. For

So I was looking at the ingredient list on the website and I'm confused a little. I'm trying to replace some of my products with oil cleansing, witch hazel/acv toner, and some essential oils to treat acne and scarring. Almost all of those oils are listed as poor or average, but laureths and heavy water is listed as

LOL, you're such a good researcher. I should've known you'd have all the details already :)

Too accurately hilarious. This group is also just unreal. Too diverse, somehow. Like, the Native American actually has his hair in two braids. I mean, he’s young so maybe he wears it that way normally. But it just seems like a tv exec was like “OK, here is a real diverse group, folks! We’ve got a gay black man, a cool

I’ve seen a couple of interviews of her where they ask this, and she seems to make a point to say that they didn’t ask her. I don’t know that she wanted to do it, but it seems shitty that it wasn't offered considering her experience there and her ability to carry the show.

I don’t know why, but "President Obummer" never ceases to amuse me. How is there not a Weekend Update character like this yet? I guess Drunk Uncle is pretty close, but he's more angry old man than angry Obama truther.

HHAHahahahaa!!!! Well, I’m an Usher truther (clearly) and I think there is clear evidence his heart was weakened by his break up with Chilli, damaging the structural integrity of his once solid steel heart. Nothing can withstand that, really

I looked this up to try and find out if it is real because I’m very super gullible and I still can’t tell whether it is or not. BUT! I did find out Auntie Anne was raised in the Amish church and was the breadmaker of the family. Don’t know why I thought that was notable, but here you are.

Yup! I saw that and was like “Of course they’re bros”. I still think Trevor Noah is pretty bangable (dimples are my weakness) and I don’t know how to feel about that now

I didn’t see much of her work growing up, but I watched The Rose recently and was just in tears and sobbing and I loved it. She is just incredible in that movie. Definitely different from my Hocus Pocus experience of her before that! (Also excellent)

Pedialyte the next day is my savior. I get the kind of hangover where I am nauseous and can’t eat so this helps a ton with that. I keep the pops in my freezer and no I’m not 8 yrs old. I swear.

I’m starting to feel like he has the most lonely twitter feed ever, though. Every pic lately is by some intern he made take his pic while he’s alone somewhere - working out, swimming, jetting off. ALONE. I’m pretty sure these all are a cry for help, each situation is getting increasingly more dangerous.

What movie did you watch?!!! Granted, it’s definitely the beginning that is more appealing. By the end, not so much. But that's how you still have sympathy for him once he changes because you fall in love with him in the beginning

HAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAaaaaaahahaha!!!!!!!!! That last one is just fuckin gold. I never thought I would live to see "disappointed dad" johnny, but here we are

HAHAHAHHAHAAAA!!!!! Wow, the spikey hair really accentuates his pointy ears! This is like those uncanny valley pics, where it looks bizarrely human but noooooot quite

That's exactly right. It's easier to complain than to reach for something and try. But even if you can't try, why be mad that someone else can? People are like this at my job and I just will never understand it.