
Yeah, the characters are both extremes in some ways. But I always identify more with Abbi’s character than Ilana’s even though I think I’m this cool ass chick who smokes. I somehow relate more to the reserved and oft taken for granted Abbi who stays optimistic and keeps trying.

I like this alternate USA you’ve got going here. Can I nominate Gabrielle Union for the cabinet as well? She could do Health and Human Services. And then we would have Tina Fey as Defense so that she and Amy could just tag team on those issues. And then we need a vice president still. Maybe Julia Louis Dryfuss? It's

Yeah, I didn't get it when Jurassic Park first came out. I was about 8 so it took me a little bit to finally get it. I think I saw the Fly years later and was like "OH. Hello."

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut!!!! oHHHHH MAN. I looooooooove Jeff Goldblum! WTH is this from? Do you have a Jef Goldblum snuff film??!! Why is this not a major motion picture?? I must know all details

It was a really fantastic show. I absolutely loved it, and only started watching because nothing else was on during that time of day. She’s fucking fantastic and hilarious and gross and weird and sweet and funny. It’s a great character for JLD, she just portrayed her so perfectly. It also has Wanda Sykes as her best

Someone once told me “Never begrudge someone something just because you can’t have it” and that has always stuck with me. There are definitely many people who have issues with those that have something they don’t. She isn’t flaunting anything, she just spoke about her own experience which is valid. I'm not rich, but I

I was thinking I would have to slog through the internet to find this later, so thank you Masshole Angel!

He is sooooooooooooo handsome and has that sexy smirk and smile. Lots of comments about him being gross, but I just get the vibe that he liked to party when he was younger. You don't hear about that anymore, so maybe he's the perfect boyfriend now. I mean, just watch that video because WOW.

Your mom is my hero :) She knows what she wants and what she likes, and takes no substitutions or exceptions. Love it

HAhahahahaha!!! Oh man, they were total lightweights :P Well, I definitely didn’t run the numbers and figured it was the lower end of the production since he prob just left them all wild to grow. I just know that personal use in some states allow about 12 plants per home. So it really could have originally been closer

I fucking love this, “this isn’t what I want, fix this”. It reminds me of those facebook messages people post to Store pages

It's definitely a lot BUT I know lots of people who definitely smoke about that much, and would smoke more if they were growing themselves. So yeah, there is likely a good chance it wasn't but people acting like it would be impossible to smoke that much do not know dat Chronic Life!!!

I actually know lots of people who would consider that personal use. especially those with chronic illnesses. Yeah, I see what I did :)

This is what kills me, everyone assumes as fact that they were being sold and I'm sorry but I could easily use that many plants for personal use, especially if there was another person in the household who was also likely doing the same. And I know a lot of people who smoke more than that and they have careers. I

That is an excellent life strategy and I think I will take your lead because it really didn't get old watching old episodes at all. Plus Josh Jackson is dreamy and I love him forever since the Mighty Ducks

YEs a million times to this. She is so fantastic on the Walking Dead and conveys this really silent and steady power and confidence that is amazing to watch. I just love her to death. Michonne foreva!!

I’m in a generous mood today because it’s after noon and tomorrow is Friday and I don’t need any kinda nonsense like this muddying my day. Thank you for being another reasonable voice in this thread tho and for the laugh!

Fair enough. I just sort of cringe with these types of questions because the issue is about his current charge (seemingly harmless) but when these other issues are brought up I get the sense that the focus is being deflected from the important piece of the story. But that doesn't appear to be what you were doing here,

Most criminal charges aren't allowed to be presented in court unless they're related the current charge, generally. Obviously there are exceptions and some states differ, but overall, most crimes (except drug crimes) do not take any prior offenses into account that are not related. Save for some stupid 3 strikes laws

I seriously wonder if some troll created an account resembling an old time commenter or whether this person just is going through some very difficult personal issues and has some very bad days that they then unleash here. Bless her(?) heart