
You’re the one coming at the thread with your hysteria about drug dealers on a story about a guy growing fucking pot. So yeah, it’s pretty clear you’re having an off day where you decide to shit all over Jezebel rather than just your normal sarcastic shit. Good for you.

Oh, yeah I can see that. I was thinking it was because he still maintains he was using for personal use but really what you said makes more sense.

Exactly. Laws like this are the result of a lot of shitty things (racism in particular), but also because of the fact that we treat our prisons like a corporation that should make profits rather than as the rehabilitative role that I think is necessary. If money is your bottom line, how do we expect them to create any

You’re joking right? He sold pot. Are you like, 92 and still think pot causes rapes and people to jump out of windows? Or are you talking about "drug dealers" in general and assuming he was dealing more than just pot? This is just such an extreme response and it really makes no sense

I think they use the quotes to show that this is the accusation of the police while this guy likely maintained it was for personal use. FWIW, 42 plants for me would be all personal use so different strokes and all.

I think you would need to look at the specifics, but armed robbery doesn’t necessarily always involve direct violence. Some states can charge you for armed robbery just for intimating that you have a weapon. So I don’t think that by seeing the charge itself you can get much info without also seeing the details.

I took 3 years of French in high school, and my dream is still to go to Southern France. Not even Paris, I don't care to go there. But to see the lavender fields and beautiful tiny villages?! Heaven

Do you think she knows about afternoon bridal tea????

A fucking POST-wedding brunch?? POST?? I like people, but in small amounts. The most time I’ve ever spent at a wedding was about 2.5 hrs tops. I'm pretty sure my boyfriend and I will just elope even though we're both catholic and he has a huge family because I can't even see myself sitting through my own entire

Awesome, I thought maybe I didn’t get it right since they didn’t reveal a horrifying scar that she was hiding. I think this show was only second to the one where she sings and becomes friends with the younger woman the rest of the neighborhood mom’s hate. That was a really great episode too


Hilarious and effective

Exactly. And tucking is optional (banned in my room) so unless you hate comfort and all things finer, there's no excuse for no top sheet

Shiiiiiit. Yes. Yes, I do.

LOL, I love this response so much. I love your concern that they aren’t just trying to get it for nefarious purposes. I’m new to commenting, so that wouldn’t even have crossed my mind to ask, so I like your style

Holy shit, wtf is happening in that first pic??? A funeral procession for Hubbard, with his hologram beam eyes lighting their path?!!! I can’t decide if this is nightmarish or artisanal :P

I imagine her emotional rollercoaster while sitting there to be something like this

Yes, I really loved the Melrose episode. It gave me all the feels since my sisters and I used to watch that show obsessively. And the whole wig plot was referencing this Melrose plot, right? Or am I nuts??

Exactly, it definitely has informed my taste in relationships. My boyfriend is pretty inwardly and quietly emotional but intense. That likely has something to do with my 90s sensibilities :)

I miss Fringe!!!! That was a seriously good show with a bonkers plot that just got even more science-fictioney as it went along! It was weird in a way that even Lost couldn’t be for a long time. Thanks for reminding me of how awesome of a show it was :)