
Oh my fuckin god, this is so outrageously funny because they are clearly twins. Thank you for this - her expression is just hysterical. She is obviously questioning her life choices, like all of us.

Yeah, he is so incredibly handsome and his lyrics were absolute nonsense but my 90s teen heart will love him forever

Yeah I was confused by that as well. But aren’t they exactly the kind of people who would go, and then start making out loudly and sloppily while the toast is being made? *blech*

Oh wow, that sounds so hilariously fun. Baby steps, right? :)

I agree with your general point on censorship, and would agree in this particular instance were this film asking questions like those you’ve posed. Instead it’s saying they have an answer - an answer that has been thoroughly debunked and roundly criticized for years. It isn't asking questions, it's posing answers that

I mean addressing them during the debates and speeches, and if he does then I guess it says something that I was left with only hearing about the financial piece. But overall, I think it makes sense what you’re saying in that he had to create an identity in many ways, which perhaps forced him to give priority to the

YES!!! His reviews make me want to study film, because he gets them on this whole other level that blows my mind in the most beautiful way possible. You have no idea how good it feels to have my feelings about him validated by a professional film person :) Thank you!

Yeah I hear that and I definitely felt that way for a very long, long time. And I honestly still feel that way, hence me going back to school at 30. What helped me is that I had to find ways I was getting some kind of benefit, even if it wasn’t the money I wanted or the respect I wanted. Once I was able to find a

Most effective simile I’ve seen in a really long time and perfectly applicable in this situation. I wish I could star more than once, or give you a “super star” or something. Instead, I leave you with this cool pic

You really nailed it with your last line there too. And honestly I’ve never read Atlas Shrugged and don't play to subject myself to such absurdity dressing up as rational thought. However, it's major theme is about "super heroes" in society who are just better by virtue of who they are. They are the ones truly holding

Oh wow, we’re more alike than I realized! I’m a sociology major too, and definitely figured I could do with that a lot of different jobs. And I have been able to move around and move up as I gain experience, but I have never worked in the private sector so I can only really speak to my experience. But you’re right -

But you’re neglecting the fact that there HAS been a lot of research and panels put together to study autism. Some shit is just complicated to understand medically, especially when it present in such a broad array of symptoms and degrees.

Oh man, you have me cracking up now because that was basically what I did too. I was reading and scrolling forever and looked over and see I’m not even half way and was ready to just give up. But I kept going!

I’ve gone back and read a lot of old reviews by Ebert and I’m surprised by their depth and by how much they actually move me! He definitely gave me a different perspective on lots of movies and I always felt better after reading his stuff. You know how sometimes reading something enlightening (and not just scholastic

So what I’m hearing is it is an adaptation of “Atlas Shrugged”??

Yes, thank you for noting that. There is this idea in society that youth automatically equals health, especially with pregnancy and birth. It's so disgusting and really sad that she is confusing what currently happens with what is acceptable or ok.

You're right that it's complicated and I definitely don't have an answer. But to the point of what should be taken into account for "fair wage" and what shouldn't, I think they can quantify any fringe benefits received by the women's team and the men's team in order to get a better picture of the actual compensation

This was my boyfriend's argument, but their beef is rightly with US Soccer because US Soccer's sole purpose is to assist the women's and men's team with their international game play (including the world cup). They can't sue FIFA for wage discrimination, but they can bring a complaint against a US company to the EEOC

This is such a loaded question because they really can’t say exactly what each team brings in for revenue, including marketing and advertising, etc. Read this link, essentially US Soccer farmed out their marketing piece to some 3rd party which basically pools all the money from the women’s and men’s teams so it’s

OH MY GOD - remember The Grind??!!!!??!!!!!!! With Eric Nees from Real World?????? I spent endless summers watching his fine ass. So I vote YES for this Olympics substitution.