
Tuna Fish Sandwich!!

Thank You. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt until she got to all that fucking "it's natural for men to be attracted to women of child bearing age" Average age of menarche is 12 so fuck this "natural" bullshit. It is never natural for a grown person to see a fucking 12 yr old child and sexualize them because

And can people finally fucking let go of this “a woman of child-bearing age” fucking nonsense, please? The average age of menstruation for girls is now about 12 yrs old and she’s trying to really say with a straight fucking face that it’s “natural” for men to find 12 yr olds attractive? And sexual? People throw around

Yup, she definitely does. I love how people rush to point out she had this or that done and it’s just like even if most people had all that work done, they still would not be any near as flawless as this chick. Plus she just seems genuinely nice too so that makes me like her more.

I think I know what you’re talking about, but I also think he posted a pretty thoughtful reply to the controversy trying to explain why he said it, and then saying he was wrong.

At first I thought to myself that Emma would have been so perfect. But then remembered how playful and offbeat Alanis played the role and I really think THAT is what made it so special to me. It was so different in tone from anything else, and somehow captured the solemnness of religion but flipped it and made it

The older I get the deeper my love for JLo grows. I love her to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach! I love her freely, purely, passionately. And if god wills it, I shall love her even better after death *graceful bow*

Yeah I fuckin love her forever and ever. Probably her role as Selena really sealed it for me. Plus she was famous at a time when women who looked like her weren’t really celebrated as beautiful in Hollywood so it meant the world to a brown girl like me to see that. And I bet I’m not the only one.

I think the makeup is so different from what she usually does, especially the eye makeup. I feel like whenever I see a pic of her where she looks different it's usually because her eye makeup isn't the usual smokey eye like in the lower pic of her. Either way, she's gorgeous and so fucking right on in those quotes

This is too funny - I always would get kinda irritated if my boyfriend and I would match but now at 30 I think it looks either super put together (see above) or just ridiculously hilarious and fun (see below) which is even better.

I’m sad to say it took me to get to Jingleheimer before I realized where you were going. I was like “Damn, she has that many names??” I’m very easily fooled but it makes getting the joke that much funnier

I’m really sorry you’re having a rough time. It sometimes feels like you’re not allowed to care about anything else when you have a crisis and if you don’t want to that’s ok. But I often have to tell myself when I’m having a hard time that it's ok to feel some joy when I can and some happiness wherever it may come.

LOL, I kinda like "tacky" stuff sometimes so it's a character failing that allows me to love people like her :P This explains a lot about my choices in life now that I think about it...

OH! And welcome to New Mexico! I moved here from Texas when I was young so I'm not a native but I love it here despite and maybe because of all the oddities like those in the links ;)

Oh, you’ve got lots to learn, A! Allow me to introduce you to “Lynnette”, if you haven’t yet had the pleasure. Also, watch Part 2 if you have time for more laughs and knowledge on NM lingua

I have a feeling that if you even had something close to 15 minutes and all those very real perks that come with it, you would likely try to maintain your lifestyle as well. Most people would. Except Bernie, obvs. He lives on $20 a week that he made when he pole danced in Brooklyn before the big fat cats took over the

YES! I wish it was out, I just looked and can't find anything. But it makes me want to shake mah buttttttt :)

So well said, and so accurate and basically my thoughts reading this. She just comes off as so authentic, which is refreshing when reading about celebs. And bonus points because it made me think of Missy Elliot!

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAsaAAHAHAHHA!!!!! Oh man, this is possibly the best Tina butt meme I've seen yet!! Her fuckin line mouth and Ben Stein monotone voice just makes her personality all the more hilarious, and this pic is excellent :)