
I just remembered you said something about living in NM! I also live in the enchanted state of Nuevo! :) So, yes, you know all about our regional words here, nuh?!

My boyfriend makes the same point and says Hillary is just as vague. I don't agree completely with that because she at the very least has addressed multiple platforms in which she plans to pursue change, rather than just the singular financial platform Bernie speaks on. But I also think campaigns do not necessarily

I plan to vote for Hillary and while it isn’t the most important part of my decision, this lack of clarity and basic information on his platform and connecting that platform with actual issues and policies is what makes me feel secure in my decision. People say “well obviously Bernie supports womens issues. And

Yeah, that scene is one of the few that I vividly remember. Reese made some wild movies in the 90s. Did you ever see Freeway?? Sooooooo good!!! “You’re just a big shitbag, aren’t ya Bob!” It's easily my favorite movie she's ever been in

She’s been auditioning her entire career...

LOL - bed clothes :) I call lids hats, so I am digging this

Wow, this is seriously the info I needed in my life. And the universe put me on this thread knowing it was my path. Really though, I rarely buy white for that exact reason. And the white I do have I try to use Spray and Wash on the neck and underarms but that ish is not cheap. Thank for the detail! I’m seriously

Oh my god, they sound like the couple from that dude’s twitter story about the McDonalds 1:00 am shake. I’m glad you made it out of what could only have been a loadie house, alive and able to tell your tale!

Yeah, it was so dumb. And my cover had these buttons that I thought were so cute but they were just my personal hell when I had to button like 15 of them across the cover to close it. Regular blankets all the way. I don't need no shabby chic duvet! :P

I can see that, especially if you're blanket is soft and cuddly enough. I just like the layered effect of the sheet and blanket I think

That definitely makes sense and now I really want to try it again to see what I'm missing. Since it's peroxide, I assume it's not safe for colors? Maybe I can look into some lighter sheets now. I always buy darker colors because I don't want to see every little thing but now I have all the options in the world!! :P

This is so hilariously disgusting and I really want to believe is true for some reason :)

I think I used OxyClean when I still lived at home like once and since then I just assumed it was a total scam and didn’t work. Now I’m questioning every adult decision I’ve made since then...

Top sheets aren't attached to the bed though. I mean, I hate having them tucked in too but I love being between two sheets. Not between a sheet and a blanket. But I think if you sleep in pjs then I can understand not caring about the top sheet. That said - top sheet=/=tucked sheet. I never tuck my top sheet and I

That sucks, they do have a lot of cute comforters there and I almost bought one, but got this lil sweater blanket instead and I fuckin love it. It's cute enough and is cozy and was like $30-$40 I think for a queen size. Considering you haven't had it for too long, maybe either Target or the manufacturer would be

A duvet is like a fluffy but kinda thin comforter filled with usually feathers or something and it comes with a cover so you can remove it and wash. I had one for years but it was dumb and I finally just bought one of those knit blankets that look like sweaters and it’s soooooooo cozy and awesome, and I just wash that

I’m just here to join the top sheet party cuz I think they’re more important than the bottom sheet :| Ok, maybe that’s extreme. But how can you snuggle in fresh sheets when you only have one under one but not one on top?? How????? Oh - FWIW to the haters, I don’t tuck the sheet everyday. I just move it back into place

Top Sheets forever!!!!!! My boyfriend and I have the same conversation, but there is NOTHING that feels quite as comforting as sliding into freshly cleaned sheets. Which is impossible to do if there is no top sheet under which to slide :| It doesn’t take any more time to “make” considering you’re already straightening

Yeah, it's such a 90s look and I love every part of it. Erykah Badu still rocks some big hats and looks fantastic. Makes me want to buy a hat now. Of the velvet variety, obvs.

It is charming, you're right! It's like a completely different game. I think I just got tired of having to jump for that stupid flag after every level. I did like that you had options for the players too, which was cool.