
Oh wow, whaaaaaat???!!! I gotta find that episode now :)

AHAHahahahahahhaa!!!! Oh man, somehow when I read your comment I missed the strike through and was gonna be all "Well, for a white suburbanite I guueeeesss..." :P So glad that isn't the case :)

Oooooh! It definitely sounds like a show I would love :) Hopefully I can find it on Netflix or Hulu. Thanks for the info, it sounds like the kind of show that is fun to go back and watch again and again too

Yeah, I understand it too which is why it doesn't make me angry but just really sad for this person. I grew up Catholic as well which meant things weren't discussed and we were expected to just move on and move forward. But that is not healthy and I would never say anyone should live that way, much less a sexual

I have a pretty dark sense of humor, but I don’t know how you read about this and the take away is that you can include a hilarious Namaste pun if you do a write up about it. I mean, yes it was funny. But by the end, I felt like a piece of crap for laughing. How do you then write an entire article just so you can show

Yeah, I’m pretty sarcastic and I have a really dark sense of humor. But the whole tone of this article seems off and like they focused on the wrong part of the story. What you wrote seems to me to be the really important part, not the “oooooh lets gawk at this really horrible situation some septegenerian found

Uhhhh, Donna only wore the most stylish bodycon dresses :P

Their expressions in each pic are just beyond bad ass and powerful. You don't see even a bit of the slight insecurity or nervousness the writer mentioned. Just raw, unfiltered brown beauty! This is great for all the dark brown girls out there like me who love seeing themselves represented as the powerful beauties we

The ironic thing is that episode was sort of calling out this type of judgment on what is and isn't ok for women to present themselves as. Ultimately, she ended up calling Liz a Judas to women because she hated women who weren't like her and didn't fit her idea of what a good or right woman was. I think it's actually

Fuck Jack :|

This is just adorably evil and I can’t stop smiling at the thought of two young girls plotting “Yeah! And then he’ll drink it and be all ‘Duhhhhhh, I’m a stupid boy brother’” *tiny giggles and laughter*

Wow, that’s really interesting and I never would have really considered that point. There are now people willingly putting themselves into these positions to take advantage of the need for constant celebrity rather than regular people being sucked up into the entertainment monster. I definitely applaud the Kardashian

Ugh, yes. Names on everything was nearly inescapable in the 90s and early 2000s, especially this block lettering style. I really like the clothes otherwise though :\

Yeah I would never actually wear a leotard out of the house, but I totally want one to wear at home. Just like, cleaning and listening to music and doing 80s jazzercise moves in my leotard with leggings and a sweat band on :) I’m actually getting excited imagining the outfit and am sad I don’t have one now :(

Your gif choice is so perfectly spot on. This makes me violently angry. I mean, they say this shit all the time and now that they literally have no excuse their response is still that they’re “saddened by the action”?? There is no reason beyond straight bullshit at this point, but I'm sure someone will come up with

What an excellent point. Viewing the 90s through the lens of today where we have more exposure to that aspect of tv and celebrity culture, it definitely makes you think differently about all of those stories and whether they would play out the same today.

Sounds like that Irish Catholic guilt played a huge part in this opinion, and honestly that just makes me feel more sorry for you and this very unfair opinion you hold. I hope you are able to gain a little bit of empathy and understanding that not everyone is like you and that allowing for different means to heal is

You do realize they didn't create this show for you specifically or to appease your specific tastes, right? You're the one who is coming off as ridiculously "pretentious intellectual bullshit masquerading as (an) art(ist)"

Yeah, that kind of threw me off too. I’ve seen a couple of his comedy specials and he is seriously funny. I still laugh just thinking of this line: “I don’t know no insurgents, you go ahead and kill all of them. I ain’t got one insurgent friend” :)

What? How weird, it looks like she has a bottle she’s using to feed the baby so that really doesn’t make sense :| Maybe they include caution signs when there is a chance of death by cuteness??