
Yeah playing music while I clean is seriously the only way to make the experience more enjoyable. Especially dishes. I haaaaaate dishes. I clean the rest of the apartment just so that I don't feel so bad that my boyfriend is the one who does the dishes 99% of the time :P

I hear you. My boyfriend loads the dishwasher fine, but somehow thinks that equals cleaning the kitchen :| So the dishwasher is loaded but the counters and stove are dirty. Another thing he loves to do is to "soak" the dishes with little puddles of water in the cups with the silverware hanging out. I had to tell him

Fuck yea! Henckel knives!!! :P

Someone posted upthread that a lot of victims of assault have a tough time reaching out due to the stigma and feelings of shame. She said the crisis hotline is a text service, like a chat with no human voices. I think it's easy to understand that someone who is facing such an extreme situation with little choices

I thought the same, but someone who works in a crisis center posted upthread that it is sometimes easier for victims of assault to connect with someone who isn't human because of the weight of judgment people feel in telling another person about what happened. Thinking of it in that sense, I can understand how someone

I’m consistently surprised by the type of articles they post. I thought they were all “10 reasons the jedi are actually evil” type posts, but they have some interesting posts on pretty complex issues. I find myself learning quite a bit reading Cracked :) And laughing too at the fucking fantastic photo tags. They’re

Yeah, especially because I think she was having a rough time in her life before that. But I'll always remember how great she was as Lorrie! I mentioned in another reply that she was always mean to Eric which was so cathartic for us viewers who thought he was annoying :)

Oh wow, it was on for 5 seasons! Your comment makes me want to watch some old episodes because I love playful Bruce Willis. He just seems like a ton of fun and like he doesn't take himself seriously.

Don't worry, I realized after that you likely didn't even know. I think I read it on here actually. FWIW, I think she was really great as Lorrie. I loved how mean she was to Eric because he was such a fucking tool.

Ok, so I know I’m not the only one who read this in harmonic stylings of the Children of Destiny right? And I seriously just read it that way without even trying “Pays his tell-uh-phone bills, pay his au-to-mo-bills” :) Absolute genius, Bobby

Dude. I'm pretty sure she died a few years ago. This is kind of a tasteless joke given that she is now dead :|

I honestly don’t think it’s that confusing. You’re white and you therefore identify as white. So when someone mentions “white people this” you are identifying with the statement as a white person rather than seeing the statement as being toward white people as a group rather than toward an individual white person.

Ok, my reason to continue in life is restored ;P Seriously though, my boyfriend is mid-sized sedan too so I don't even care but I was seriously surprised!

Right?? I keep watching it over and over! I always really loved 90s dancing like house dancing and whatnot so her little cabbage patch followed by her cumbia spin is seriously way too bad ass.

I understand this concern, and I think the best response is one I heard from Vin Diesel I think who said he won't have to do anything to protect his daughters, that he is just preparing them to be able to handle themselves. And isn't that all you can really do as a parent anyway? Hope you can prepare them to make good

I’m seriously in awe of how respectful and honest of a response you gave here. And it’s so perfectly worded and hits on all the different issues brought up throughout the comments here. Bravo!

Wut???? *sound of glass shattering my heart*

Uggghhhhh! So sad :(

Exactly. I live in NM and they shoot a lot of movies and shows here because of the tax breaks our state gives. And the casting calls almost always specify some racial signifier even if it doesn’t call out the race specifically. It will say “ethnic” looking when they need gangsters, or for regular background extras one

Still the best gif that exists on the internet :) And would still bang him. Hard. :|