
Yeah, I really love that show because of the rest of the cast. Princess Carolyn and Todd are fantastic. And despite all of Bojack’s issues and shortcomings, he at least knows he is a failure and he knows why his life is empty.

Oh man, watching Juliette coming back seriously pumped some air into my lungs and I seriously said “Yes!” out loud with my fists clenched :) She is one of my favorites and I can’t wait to see her and Layla’s dynamic as Layla tries to play out what she knows. This show makes me excited, and I should maybe be ashamed.

Yeah, she doesn't have much of a story beyond her relationships in the beginning I think so you likely shouldn't miss much :)

I like this guy. I like his face and now I keep staring at that gif!! His expression is just so perfect :) Thanks for the info!

You were very right, and I just eat that shit up for some reason :) I actually think I started watching in Season 2, and the plot lines are getting suuuuuper ridiculous, but somehow I really like this show despite all of that. Maybe because of all of that? I blame it on Passions. I watched that show in high school and

LOLOlololololollllllll :D I had a really hard time liking Scarlett in the beginning too. Her voice does not change and she is definitely still the spunky but weepy character. Buuuuuuuuut, somehow she doesn’t bother me as much anymore?? I don’t know why, I think she does start to assert herself more later on but maybe

OK, where to start? I loooooooove the upcoming plot with Layla basically single white female-ing Juliette, getting her manager and then Avery to produce for her!! Wuuuuuut!! I actually really like Layla and think she’s gotten the short end of the stick the entire time she’s been on the show and Juliette was

HAHAHHAHHAhahahaha!!! Oh man, poor Will! He has had the same so sad face since he came out, except for a few brief moments of happiness with his last boyfriend. And yes, the drama on this show is so so so petty and I just love all of it :) Well, except for the postpartum depression stuff they’re airing. I really,

I would say you should definitely read the articles, this article is sourced and linked to the Buzzfeed article so the content itself is actually really well done and seems to be getting better. Just DO NOT read the comments. EVER. Well, actually posts by Kristin tend to have really positive comments because she is

Oh man, thanks for posting the link! I loved scrolling through the old posts and seeing the eaglet raising unfold. And what a beautiful backdrop as well! Those are just some really fantastic pics, but this most recent one is just so amazing, because the eagle seems caught off guard, without the normal "eagle resting

Yeah, they’re seriously pretty incredible once you learn a little bit about them. I saw a PBS special about them, and it followed a male eagle whose first mate had died and he had just recently gotten a new young mate and they were making the nest for the eggs and it was just hilariously adorable.

That’s a good word for it, I think I just didn’t see the urgency of it. But I agree and can empathize with the fact that he likely have some well deserved consequences which sucks. Sorry for my initial reply, I'm glad we were able to get to a better understanding :)

You’re right, I shouldn’t have implied that you don’t also have compassion for other people. I just think the worry over this particular guy is overblown, especially given how these circumstances usually play out and especially given how it happened in the first place. But people are assuming this kid is going to die

Best part (like most of your posts) is the Tag. And the crazy photo editing, obvs. I seriously can't stop looking, even as I type... This is up there with the Sandy red flame eyes, or with the Teresa leaving prison one. I'm ded.

YUP! I love Oprah and that she is open with her struggles with food. But her attempts to make herself seem like one of the people in these WW commercials are so ridiculous. I'm sure she has a real struggle, but to try to compare that to people who have little to no access to all the support and resources she has is

UGH. Fucking Joel fucking Osteen. My mom worked at a BBQ restaurant in the Hill Country in TX and she said he and his wife came in and were total assholes and didn't even leave a tip. Thought I'd share that just in case anyone was wondering if he's an asshole or not :P

There was nothing more depressing and rage inducing than when I worked at the District Courthouse for years as a court clerk and would see sentence after sentence for all types of sexual assault from molestation to CSP, and almost ALWAYS the sentence was suspended with the defendant only getting probation. ALWAYS.

I agree that overall, most people volunteer out of a general feeling to contribute to something beyond themselves which is ultimately a very good thing. But I think the article does a really great job of dissecting the idea of "volunteerism" as a whole, and in that sense it can definitely be damaging beyond just

This entire article really hit home for me as a first generation college student who very much wanted to be very different from my mother (educated, successful (in work), etc. And now, I would consider myself lucky to end up even half way as decent and understanding and giving as my mother. But, this quote really

HHAHAhahahahhahahaa, yeah that's about how life usually turns out for me too :P And random is definitely right. If I knew my geometric leggings would be popular again I would never have let them go :(