
HAHAHAHAHAAaaaaaaa. Truly, truly a perfect gif :) Don't know what that is from, but it basically tracks the line my brain went through. I'm like, "Wait, how do you make guac and not know that you shouldn't just smash it all together... Especially when you're hosting a cooking show... Especially when you say you love

Good point, if you make people identify the treatment with celebrity and all things finer then people are maybe more likely to even seek out the treatment and then to shell out that much more $$ too. And then his whole angle of "I'm not only the president, I'm a client" BS to give some authenticity is even more

WOW. Just wanted to give you an internet high five for really taking the time to explain the obvious here. You are doing God’s work, truly. MRA trolls gotta troll tho, right?

Gross. This reminds me of those Passages Rehab commercials where you can detox in luxury! Because that’s what matters in treating severe health issues - lush carpets, crystal chandeliers, reflecting ponds. You know, healthcare basics.

Yeah, there are a lot of shamey "I just can't believe how heartless everyone is" comments here which I just do not understand. I guess I am just a stone cold boss ass bitch (true), but this guy is an idiot. He will more than likely not see any real punishment and will be released far earlier than the 15 years he was

As other people have already commented, he will likely never face any actual punishment and is being used as leverage by N Korea against the US. Do you have any compassion for the hundreds of actual prisoners in America being held in solitary confinement or being held on trumped up "resisting arrest" charges?? I don't

Very funny, very clever! Love the delivery and timing too "If I had a time machine..."

UGH, I watched because I am incapable of not listening to Bobby "Wear velvet, or go to hell, vet." And Karreuche fricking put in all the ingredients for the guac, AND THEN smashed the avocado. After the tomato and everything was already in there. I skipped forward and landed on that spot, and it made me do a serious

I honestly think this is why many “Christian” voters will say the most important thing to them is religion, so they’re voting for X because they’re Christian. To me, that just says “I don’t know enough about any actual substantive issues that would and could affect me and other people I care about so I instead focus

Yup. It's difficult to see her in any way other than just defending him to maintain the lifestyle to which she has grown accustomed. At this point, even denial itself knows it isn't just a river in Egypt :|

PBS had an episode of American Experience about Brownie Wise, and man oh man! She was a serious woman and literally created the Tupperware home sales division on her own. Truly inspirational! AND, Sandra Bullock is going play her in an upcoming biopic and she will do an incredible job. This is not at all colored by my

AHAHAHHHAAaa! Now I want to hear a Stefon type description of "Normcore", some new bar in NY where all the bartenders wear clothes like your Dad, but are carried around by men in my little pony outfits. You know, normal paired with Stefon levels of outrageousness :)

It's just so perfectly dead accurate. It is just so all over the place, but also perfectly centered on right wing crazy. Seriously. This is still making me laugh the more I read it :) I think Obummer and your grandma really take it over the top <3

I think their manager was a double agent :|

That quote is enough to get me there! I am sloth levels of lazy and that quote is Gold! :)

I’m submitting my law school applications, and Penn State was a school I was considering among some other schools on the east coast. I’m from New Mexico, and my concern is largely to get into a good program if I can get a scholarship regardless of the location or of the diversity of the school. But stories like this

MONK #1: they’re trying to drown a guy
but real slowly
MONK #2: yes
that is exactly how bitches swim

Exhibit C: I got nothing. I'm 30 yrs old and the Spice Girls are really the only pop girl group I really got into when I was young. So objectively speaking, they are far from "the best of all time" but they are also the only ones I have any personal attachment to, regardless of quality. BUT!! If we are basing the best

LOLOLOL, yeah that is seriously demented. The first pic was SO GOOD, but was also gigantic and I was worried I was breaking some kind of commenting unspoken rule "Thou pics shall not be larger than 2x2, lest ye be forever damned to the Greys..." But seriously, those commercials may seriously be the reason I will

I'm dying at your description because you sound like you were a terribly cute kid :) Big hair and big curls are MY JAM!!! It's seriously probably why Brave is among my favorite Pixar movies (that, and the focus on the mother/daughter relationship)