
YUP! I know I am!! But in a fun, yearning sort of way and not in a hateful, snide, and begrudging way.

Yeah, that's such bullshit too. I've always seen it as just this energetic and fun vibe which (especially when I was young) was something I so strongly identified with and wanted so badly. My sister and mom both have naturally curly hair and my sister straightens hers for work, so I understand how hard they can be to

WOW - did you guys watch the video where they stitch the hair crown?! That woman has incredible, beautiful curly hair! Just like in Brave, but for realsies. I’m growing my pixie cut out and am at about bob length, and gaaaaaawwwwwd I miss having long hair now :’( But I’m at that stage where I also miss my oh so cute

Extremely thorough comment! People can dislike her personality or music all they want, but what usually happens is that it becomes a comment on her as a woman veiled behind concern trolling comments like this one.

Don’t know, don’t care about All Saints, but the Spice Girls were and remain the best girl group OF ALL TIME!!! Exhibit A:

“I don’t have to bake you a cake it is my RIGHT under LaAW and OUR LORD JeSUS!”

I didn't mean to imply that you were saying he shouldn't be held accountable. And I definitely agree that doing that alone doesn't address the larger issue of young people understanding limits and boundaries. It just seems that the focus of this thread is that Labrie isn't the issue and, and that he is in some ways a

I really wonder what it will take for our communities to realize "tough on crime" has never, and will never work. Frontline had a recent episode on Opiate addiction, and they referenced several cities who are trying harm reduction polices geared toward reducing harm drug addicts cause themselves and their communities

While I completely agree that there is a larger issue here beyond just this specific case that the conversation surrounding sex and consent is woefully lacking and does an injustice to women and men, I don’t think that exempts or removes blame from this specific individual for his specific actions nor does it mean

AWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! YES! That is so great, because he is always the one pushed around but he really is just the absolute best. He has an incredible imagination, and that is all in spite of his terrible parents who tried to kill him, multiple times even! (Dad was just wrestlin' another guy for a long time...)

AHAhahahaaa!!!! This is one of the great Professor Chaos episodes where Butters gets a sharuken in the eye, and they dress him like a dog to hide his injuries :,) Poor Butters, he is sooooo my favorite!

WOW!!!! Great endorsement, makes me want to go buy it today! Seriously, the combo's and surprising books are always my favorite so either way I know it'll be great. But now I, like, NEED to read it :)

That's a really interesting point, and its definitely understandable that emotions can sometimes cloud your better judgment. Especially because, as you pointed out, you would think she would have an even greater sense of the need for body autonomy having lived for so long without being comfortable or ready to

And to further that point, because Caitlyn was able to transition relatively easier than most due to her wealth and privilege she maybe doesn't have that same level of empathy for people who lose power over their bodies? You said most trans people you know are sympathetic with abortion rights, so is there a

LOLOLOL!!!!!! GOD, that movie is seriously the absolute best. It had Dylan, Pee Wee, Million Dollar Baby, a body snatcher, and a sexy but scary Replicant ;)

Exactly. She is just echoing the baseless accusations thrown around about these political issues and sounds just like a lot of other people (men and women) who are uninformed and have little knowledge and actual facts, and instead hear something that sounds vaguely right and justifies their view of the world. It’s sad

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!!!!!! I'm dying laughing right now because I've totally been there! But I haven't read that series yet, but hear really great things. I love his thrillers and the supernatural ones, so I'm sure I'll love it. Is it more of one or the other, or sort of a combo?

It's so true that simple exposure and interactions with different people can really get you to think harder about the assumptions you may not even realize you hold. So happy to meet another New Mexican! YAY for chile :P

SK is coming to my state for a book signing in June. And the Dark Tower movie is going to be made. AND Idris Elba will be playing ROLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I'm excited to see who they choose for the rest of the Ka-tet. And if they don't get a good Oy, so help me...