> She’s also agreed to pay the $195,000 bill for his 2 personal trainers.
> She’s also agreed to pay the $195,000 bill for his 2 personal trainers.
Wait, so, like, you’re putting gold inside you?
You should run a sub-blog on Jez!
I know when I first heard of that, I was like oh my god that makes so much sense! Especially since at the time the only sex toy I owned was rubber and was never really clean, so I never really used it. It just never occurred to me to put a condom on it!
I had no idea latex wasn’t vegan by definition. Isn’t it made from tree sap?
I was just thinking there is nobody who’s sex tape I’d want to see LESS.
Considering he was already out there, he’s just guaranteed he won’t get paid for the trip. He’s lost money out of his own actions. I honestly don’t think I believe he’s had ~~multiple encounters with “socialist-minded” people who have stiffed him. I’m not saying they DIDN’T happen, but multiple? I’ll need proof to…
> I can sit here all day and show instances where the violence and hostility is caused more by Sanders supporters unable to control themselves.
It just seems remarkably cruel to me. Cats and dogs enjoy living with humans and have a symbiotic relationship with us. Monkeys, even though they might be related to us, do not have a relationship with us. I can’t imagine that life. Ugh.
I think anybody who has a primate for a pet is a jerk and an idiot to the highest order. Same for big cats and most other exotic animals, if not all, honestly.
I was wondering how the hell SWEDEN had more black models than Canada.
Addendum: most people were cool about Patrick Stewart marrying his much younger girlfriend, for the same reason. He’s not an asshole, basically.
DiCaprio is a serial monogamist. He uses younger women and discards them. That’s not what this guy is doing. It’s not what Patrick Stewart is doing, and he doesn’t get criticism on Jez either.
It’s also really strangely framed.
Or he’s just bi.
That sucks man.
I’m okay with Patrick Steward and his much younger wife.
The thing about older men and younger women is that it tends to be shorter relationships. Multiple ex-wives, serial monogamy, that kind of thing. Those are clearly just about sex and the power differential. If this guy was going through younger men at a rate of one every three years, maybe it would be a similar thing.…
“there was wine in a cat shaped bottle.”
I thought she was in her 40s?