For every Veyron/Chiron produced they take a 1,000 Mk3's off the road with their evil.
For every Veyron/Chiron produced they take a 1,000 Mk3's off the road with their evil.
Audi’s poison the well. Bring one running Audi home and it’ll take 3 VWs out of commission.
There are a fixed number of running Volkswagens. If you get one running another (in proximity) shall stop running.
I once had 14 VW’s between myself and 3 other friends, this theory has become gospel.
It comes on boost so gently.
Load capacity for a 2017 Prius maxes out at around 900lbs. You account for 150lbs min so that gives you 750 lbs distributed evenly.
it all comes down to the weight of your topsoil bags. If they’re the 40 lb 0.75 CF little guys you could have been inside the limits depending on front to rear distribution. If they’re…
Then you do the math to prove me wrong. My guess it noise output is less than 0.1% of total energy output from the engine. I thinking it’s around 30 watts
RIP Prius suspension.
I don’t know many people who are going to drive 14 mph on the way home.
The few watts lost to racecar noise is trivial.
Porsche is hedge fund investment firm who happens to build cars.
If that was the headline you’d flip your shit.
More like Capitalists understand how balance sheets work.
I have healthcare and plate is full of food, amazing what capitalism brings to the table. I don’t rely on the Gov to take care of me or my family, amazing how much freedom you have when you don’t rely on the state to keep you alive.
I have no time to suffer socialists.
Capitalism is the only reason we’re not living in mud huts.
You’ve forgotten the great moderating cultural force, one that’s not so fashionable to talk about these days.
Society works in harmony, not one as one aspect let run unfettered.
You give powerful people a microphone and they’re going to use it. I actually prefer it that way,you get insight into people, or the images they craft of themselves, you’d never have access to previously.
Should they be tweeting,no. Does it benefit the common pleb, probably.
That’s the hallmark of pretty much every businessman.
HEY, we call that very stable genius around here.
Some of his tweets almost read that way