
Swim coach (and I’m not a swimmer), police officer, professor, teaching assistant, professional drunk outside a bar (I was 12), random guy who harassed me for blocks in the middle of a city once (no one helped) and who I escaped by going into a car rental place and finding a sympathetic employee who let me slip out

I won’t let my son join Boy Scouts because of their political regressiveness. If I had a daughter, she wouldn’t be allowed to join either.

We called ‘em “natural leaders” (with deep sarcasm, of course) because they were always white and male and thought their pronouncements were all anyone else in the room needed to know.

Seriously, she deserves so much respect for this.

I sat too—on the principle that I’d said the pledge once, meant it, and making me repeat it every school day felt like a forced version of patriotism I wasn’t comfortable with.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! I have nothing else to say about this.

These “pro-life” Republicans ought to be ashamed to show their faces in public. Puerto Rico—let ‘em drown. Las Vegas—let ‘em get mowed down by another crazy white guy with a gun. Expiration of CHIP healthcare for kids—let ‘em die of curable diseases.

Screw him. He doesn’t get to decide when it’s over. We get to decide when it’s over. It’s not over.

First person who says “it’s too soon to talk about gun violence” should be shot in the kneecap. And he/she doesn’t get to complain afterwards, because that is the America they are fighting for.

Heidi Russo can sit down and shut up. She didn’t raise him. She doesn’t get any special say in how he conducts himself.

So a Christian acting like a Christian in an evangelical church is now a newsworthy “man bites dog story.”

So Trump’s version of kicking “bad guys” out of the country is to remove protections for dreamers who contributed 2 billion annually in taxes, have an employment rate of 91%, and have no criminal record?

Those with criminal records did not qualify to be DACA recipients. So yes, it is sad when people resort to inaccurate, unsubstantiated information.

You do realize that DACA recipients work in this country legally, right?

You mean taxpayers who contributed 2 billion annually in taxes, have an employment rate of 91%, and have no criminal record? I wish we have more like them in this country. Don’t blame DACA recipients because you can’t achieve more with your pathetic self.

If you are a US citizen, be a good ally. Call your congressperson. Call your senators. Raise hell. Let them know you expect them to draft a bill to immediately protect DACA recipients.

My hometown did this to me once. It was an unsettling feeling. Hope you are doing okay.

My kid has a hyphenated last name. No one’s dropped the name after the hyphen. He uses both for everything.

Not good enough. He should refund everyone who got charged his stupid surcharge. And then he should get “douche” tattooed across his forehead so that he can think about who he’s chosen to become every time he looks in a mirror. After that, raises for everyone.

The government did not deprive them of their jobs. This is not a 1st amendment issue.