

So, one marketing problem I see. For most people, adopting Lindsay Lohan’s lifestyle would be a huge step in the wrong direction.

We can only hope—for the sake of the gene pool.

Just wait. In two years, when she ages out, she’ll be against it.

I always wondered what happened to the worst of the frat bros after college.

If he’s worried about saving money, maybe he should just give up golf.


That is a good dog.

So—what am I missing here? Basically, are Reps Wenstrup and Franks arguing that we should bring this baby to the US, make him a citizen, and then perform medical experiments that will not improve his quality of life? Doesn’t seem christian to me, somehow.

I just can’t get past how small Trump’s hand looks in that picture.

It will be shelved in FAKE NEWS!!!!! (like pretty much everything else that actually happened).

Let’s do more than keep our eye on Congress.

This 1,000,000x

It was an understandable and honest mistake where everyone behaved graciously afterwards. Gave me faith in humanity. This is not something the Oscars usually manage.

Yeah. No. Try again.

Wrote emails showing that she conspired to give the primary to Hillary. Got kicked out of her speaking spot at the convention as a result (when the emails were hacked). Made the DNC look incompetent and biased. Alienated the non-Hillary portion of the Democratic base with this bias. Made the DNC look corrupt and

She could have made it seem like the DNC was unfairly favoring Clinton as a congresswoman? Maybe—but not to the extent she did. And I’m not going to re-litigate the Bernie v. Hillary primary here. The issue is that she made the process seem unfair—and it alienated a lot of people from the DNC.

It’s not though. You think Debbie Wasserman Schultz could have done as much damage as she did if it were just a fundraising gig? And Perez have say in how that money is spend and on what campaigns. He represents clinging to the status quo—and as of late, the status quo with the DNC has been a disaster. status quo.

It’s like the Democratic leadership is determined not to learn. This is so disappointing.

OMG! Yes! It was awesome (and accurate)