
Thanks. Me too.

That is an excellent idea. Thank you.

My kid walked out on Friday. He used the time to go to his congressman’s office to ask why he supports pro-NRA legislation.  

He doesn’t just have a “BS” in Geology. He lives it. Every day. With BS.

It’s not just you. I’m having a “kids today with their backwards-facing heads. In my day we knew which way to wear a skull” moment over this one.

This is no joking matter. Some poor kid is about to find out he was fathered by Donald Trump. It’s a fate I would only wish on a few of my very worst enemies.

Arizona is the Florida of the Southwest. It’s got a mean streak and more than its fair share of crazy people who make laws.

I have a lot of respect for the woman he tried to bully there. She stood her ground with him—even though she wasn’t expecting him to be such an ass.

For those who have dreamed of metaphorically punching Pence in his smug, self-righteous, fake Christian nose, here’s your chance: Donate.

Fuck ABC News for hiring a known liar as news contributor. Journalistic integrity my ass.

Yep. And it’s awful.

Sadly, for many women, presenting themselves as bimbos has been a requirement to work in the industry. This is part of a larger picture of exploitation. Don’t blame the victims here.

I have lost interest in Breillat defense of herself after her comments on what women should expect when they go to a hotel room. If she doesn’t care about the exploitive culture that forces women into these situations, then I don’t really care when she feels victimized by something much less serious.

I don’t know if Michael Avenatti is any good at his job or not, but he certainly *looks* like the kind of lawyer who would tear someone to pieces in court. Steely dead eyes. A jaw designed to bite through steel. A head too no-nonsense for more than a hint of hair.

Then it’s time to run for office.

There is something so wrong in this country when objecting to kids being gunned down while at school is somehow a political statement.

This is very exciting news for Tiffany. If Trump gets mad enough at Ivanka, there’s a chance he’ll remember his other daughter exists.

My friend’s kid got caught juuling the other day. “Oh no!” I said, trying to sound cool while secretly typing “What is jeweling” into my phone’s browser.

I have always wanted to buy her a beer or lunch or something. She started a lot of conversations about consent. She helped more people than she ever knew, myself included.

This is a man whose parents who didn’t teach him values, morality, or common decency.