
I think your anger is going in the wrong direction. The researcher has the responsibility to present his research unvarnished by personal opinions. This is the attitude he gathered in his research, not his personal opinion. This guy has spent his life researching, writing about, and educating people about white

A con artist, a fascist, a rapist, and a KGB agent walk into a bar. Bartender says, “What’ll it be, Mr. President?”

Seeing both couples so much in the past few days has driven something home: There is much joy in the Obamas; there is very little in the Trumps.

I live around people who voted for Trump and I know many of them will not want to listen to me. I’m an American Indian woman with a Hispanic last name. I’m also well educated and a feminist. There are so many things I am that is wrong to them.

Too short and fat. Sorry!

I told a friend once, “Sex is okay, but I’d rather have a sandwich.”

The other pragmatic point about health care is that we can’t control communicable diseases if only part of the country has health care. Simply put, poor people will cough in their food. I wish it was explained this way to congress. People are needed to prepare their food, care for their kids, make beds and cleaning

Well, if every credible news agency is now a propaganda machine, I guess my Film Studies degree is going to be way more useful than I ever thought it would be.

“Wikileaks” indeed.

The only think that can stop SkyNet Conway at this point are the Linda Hamilton Electors.

In an academic setting, a problem can be something you question and analyze, rather than a negative situation to be eliminated. Like, in Bertrand Russell’s “The Problems of Philosophy.” Russell doesn’t say philosophy is a terrible thing, he examines what classical philosophy is and what it tries to do.

The course’s name strikes you as being the immediate problem here.

This image confirms my suspicion that Eric Trump is now a vampire lord, and Don Jr is a life-like wooden puppet that Eric controls.

Given their views on science, I’m not so sure that lab research into creating such a thing wouldn’t actually qualify as a form of self-defense. Not that the Trumps are actually anything resembling blue-bloods. They’re moneyed vulgarians, that’s it. If you could isolate the “expensive trash” gene and attack it, then

I’m not sure why killing animals is considered a sport. In most sports, both side have an equal chance of winning. Unless the animals are equipped with guns and can fire back, this is not a sport.

“Hold Me Closer, Tiny Hands Sir...”

Just figured out who she reminds me of, but could not find Madam in an LV scarf.

Kanye West will do his Kanye Best to get some Kanye Rest.

Carol Brady is survived by 5 loved children and Jan.