
Snap employee here.

“Women are sacred, except for Nasty women.”

Because I’m a cynic and this guy’s misogyny pisses me off, I suspect he meant Gold Star families went out the window at the conventions because of a certain family that spoke at the Dem convention....something about them is skin tone, religion, their country of origin...making them not worthy of

Really puts into perspective how fucking worthless Trump is. As much needless suffering as Bush caused, he at least knew the most fundamental truth: that he was responsible for the life of every soldier under his command, and every single death was on his hands. He understood the gravity of his decisions. Trump does

I really wanna see Trump challenge Uwe Boll to a boxing match.

holy shit first I thought, oh this can’t be real...

It was definitely a planned publicity stunt. Conservative estimates are that it cost taxpayers about $500,000 for this tantrum. That’s a lot of rolls of paper towels for hurricane victims.

Also he fucks horses.

Meanwhile, white identity extremists have been a danger to non-whites since the formation of America.

I had this comforting although unlikely thought that with the delay, maybe he was moved to a larger hospice room and members of his band could play him off in a last, private acoustic show. Hearing is the last sense to go.

Driving along, that song comes on, crank it up, belt it out. Middle age retreats and indestructible youth revives for 3:36 minutes.

as bad as all those trespasses are, my biggest gripe with tom price is that he is essentially a mirror-world evil tim gunn, which should never be a thing.

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

Pepto Abysmal.

Any truth to the rumor that WH staffers have covered up all the mirrors, because Trump keeps on attacking that other president?

As someone who was in the music biz in a professional, meaningful capacity from 1998 to 2003, this seems like a flip and dismissive overview. While we didn’t have the benefit of Twitter and Facebook, the scene was vital and meant something to people of this era. That you’re unable or unwilling to understand even a

Plus, you get to have excellent “best route to x” conversations with other cyclists. I add a couple minutes of my commute to go through one of the few big parks in downtown Toronto, but like you said, the added mental health benefits can’t be beat.

Since the comments here are rapidly devolving into the usual complaints of cyclists in urban areas, I’ll add mine to the mix:

Fellow cyclists: if you’re passing me—either in a bike lane or in an open road—FUCKING SIGNAL to let me know that you’re about to be right next to me. If I’m about to dodge around a pothole, I

I heard that Robert Mueller’s tie is longer and redder than Donny’s, AND he uses more tape to secure the short end than anyone around.