
Apparently John Wayne Bobbit is being flown in as a consultant...

Poor Gene! I posted this elsewhere but its languished in the grays: to me he looks just like Anthony Weiner if you photoshopped out all the hair, looks, and charm.

That photograph of Miller is chilling! It’s as if somebody started with a stock shot of Anthony Weiner and then photoshopped out all the hair, charm, the looks...  

Me: I am praying for you...

Oh well, it was worth a shot. I always took the Jughead drawings to be approximates, not unlike Bigfoot sketches (both being rare and beautiful creatures, and down to eat hot dogs and hamburgers on the reg.).

Do you also find yourself donning soft crown shaped headwear? You might be Jughead...

This 100%. No amount of armed-guard, gated community style isolation is going to prevent the spread of communicable diseases when so much of the population is deprived proper health care and support. That means it eventually reaches germophobe isolationists in their penthouses and their children in tony private

Point taken! Replace “blue-blood” with vulgarian. As the world enters a new era of purely magical thinking, I’m counting on some poor spurned piano salesman to use his dying breath to cast a curse on the Trump family, so that their fingers grow progressively smaller and smaller and smaller. This would also have the

Great point. This use of “sport” actually says everything we need to know about their world view: they won’t participate in any game that isn’t profoundly rigged to their advantage (and fatally rigged to the disadvantage of the rest of us, human and otherwise), but using the term preserves some fantasy of competition,

I fear too many voters took his graduation speech advice to heart in this election.

Now playing

This particular jam is also unsettlingly prophetic:

Seriously. His name should never appear in print without those adjectives: “noted white supremacist and anti-semite Steve Bannon...” as a matter of habit.  

I was thinking this might be his model:

Awful charitable of you to say... I just felt like I was spouting off the obvious, and kind of doing so in a dumbstruck fashion as I watched the character and actor peel apart and the all the labour behind Suzanne suddenly become visible. Uzo Aduba also seems like the greatest sister ever.

This following comment is so dumb it deserves to live in the greys forever, but since I only know Uzo Aduba from her work as “Suzanne,” it’s incredible to see her out of character and realize just what kind of craft and skill goes into becoming Crazy Eyes. I mean, it’s obvious she’s amazing from how she manages to

His secret twin is so much cooler...

I'm sure you got it and it ruins it to say more, but that was a play on capital, as in Das Kapital and the basis of Capitalism...

What about his anti-capital stance?