

“...none of the staff at the Hacienda HealthCare facility knew the patient was pregnant until she went into labor and began moaning.”

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

Yeah this seems like one of those haunting examples of why they tell you it’s better to hand your purse over to a mugger than to fight for it. Obviously it’s a manicurist fee in this situation, not a purse, but the principle still applies. There are plenty of sick, selfish fucks out there who care so little about

For a manicure. I hope they catch this woman and she spends the rest of her life in prison.

How is it possible that “Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal” if the USMCA has not yet been ratified by the Congress in Mexico, the Parliament in Canada, or the US Congress? That treaty revision may never even happen (NAFTA will just remain as is).

One reason is that building the wall would be an environmental disaster. I’m appalled when people suggest that it is fine to waste 5 billion dollars of taxpayer money on a vanity project because “it’s not that much money”. That 5 billion would be better spent rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, fighting the

Everything is a middle finger to contractors. Contracting sucks. White collar caste bullshit.

Honestly wondering if the person who constructed these letters is working in of the “essential” jobs where theyre told to come in and work without pay.

This is true, and as a government employee I’m grateful. But please also remember all the contractors and support staff who keep the government running who, because they are technically employees of other companies, may or may not get paid. They get the lowest pay and fewest benefits of anyone affected, and are the

The FBI declined to investigate something that would implicate rich white men?!? No. Way.

Wait a second...

Hersheys is garbage chocolate and anyone who uses it in baked goods deserves broken tips.

Rep. Cicilline: You do not know how many people have died in DHS custody?
DHS Sec. Nielsen: “I don’t have an exact figure”

“Jezebel is a feminist website,” Riffer adds in his letter. “It should not be a tool to allow one woman (Remini) to harass another woman (Mrs. Miscavige), her husband and her religion.”

The straight-up numbers aren’t really my problem with the church’s behavior. A certain number of pedos are just gonna exist in any population, and predators learn very quickly to hide their predilections from anyone in authority.

The Catholic Church is absolute trash and anyone who still gives money to it is aiding and abetting child sex abuse, in my opinion. I legitimately don’t know how any decent person can still be a practicing Catholic. It is not that hard to walk away from your denomination. I’ve been there. I left the denomination I was

Not just the bank. He needs to sue the city’s overzealous police force as well. Why was “cuffing and stuffing” him necessary prior to verifying the attempted transaction was illegitimate? The bank had him on camera and, most likely, his residential address on at least one of his ID’s, so if the check was fake they

I wonder if the day will ever arrive when any of the so called conservatives who also claim to be devout Christians actually read some of the teachings attributed to their Jesus. The Parable of the Good Samaritan would be an excellent starting point.