
Love that there’s not a single mention of how many dimming zones the new models plan to offer. Because for me that’s one of the biggest factors when going miniled. With enough dimming zones you can get OLED level blacks on all but the most demanding scenes (like a field of stars in space)

This exactly. Why not offer it in UHD like HBO / Max did with The Last of Us? Sorry no reason to buy it on physical media if you’re not gonna offer it in the native format you released it in.

Down side of all of these being approved for weight loss is that it is now almost impossible for me to get ahold of this as part of my treatment for type 2. Every 4 weeks I have to basically call up every fucking pharmacy in my area that takes my insurance since they can’t seem to to keep it in stock or order it far

What a rip off in terms of trade in values. $170 for a Pixel 7? They are insane.

What a rip off in terms of trade in values. $170 for a Pixel 7? They are insane.

Or Nintendo could just design a Switch 2 where the dock connection uses Thunderbolt or Oculink and then put beefier hardware in the dock so you can get the best of both. A portable experience on a 720p screen, but then handle 1080p 60fps and above when docked. Could even sell an upgraded dock down the line if needed.

Given the costs of making the discs being about the same, I doubt we’ll see DVD over just blu-ray and UHD options.

non human doesn’t necessarily mean non-terrestrial. I think people are forgetting that point.

See Xenogears needs a proper remake instead of a remaster so that disc 2 is no longer a visual novel.

See if you want to take childless adult’s right to vote away, then you lose the right to tax them. The whole no taxation without representation argument. 

Honestly, would rather the tax write-off just be amended to require that any media / copyrighted content you write-off become public domain in order to be eligible for the write-off.

The main down sides being that tape drives are pricey and tapes are linear access only, so if you want to only restore a handful of files it will be a pain.

Personally if they are legally allowed to pull content for a tax write-off, there it should be a legal requirement for them to forfeit the copyright on it so it becomes public domain.

Frankly, this kind of bad behavior by Nintendo and other copyright owners really has me supporting a significant reduction in the length of copyright. I think starting with software would be a way to test the waters. Why should a piece of software take over 100+ years to hit the public domain? I think software

Not how hardware token works. FIDO is immune to fake sites. FIDO based tokens will not send their 2FA creds to a site that isn’t the site that was configured for it. 

They just need to bring back the grilled stuft burritos and volcano burritos then we’ll be square.

Sadly this system isn’t all that uncommon at large companies. The IT company I work for does a similar stacked ranking system for yearly performance (the only way to get a raise. We don’t get yearly raise, or bonuses, unless you’re the CEO) My company does it based on job title though. So all the Sys. Admins are

In fairness the actual hardware powering the switch is far older. The Tegra X1 SOC that the Switch is based on came out in 2015.

In fairness the whole bad sales part is also likely because Tri-ACe / SE refuse to release the SO2  remake outside of Japan. That would’ve been a better first start then the bland story and characters that are SO6.

Agreed. The quality of a movie or show on a blu-ray disc whether UHD or 1080p is far better. Not to mention lossless audio.

Current blu-ray discs can fit up to 125GB (25GB a layer). So at most you’d need 2 discs. Plus considering even with fast internet connections, many people across the world do still have data caps. So lowering how much data people need to pull for a new game is really helpful.