
It’ll stay around for a long time as a physical media, I just think it’s value in the rental market has all but depleted. People still value physical media that they OWN. Vinyl Records are at the highest sales since the 90s. I very specifically buy movies I want to OWN, movies that are meaningful to me, movies that

The company that spreads grass fertilizer at my work has a box asking for a tip amount when you go through their online portal to pay now. It defaults to 20% and you have to pick custom tip to make it say zero.

That blurb the content creator uses to summarize the ethics of his channel is the weirdest part. It’s such an odd mix of politics which aren’t particularly related to tipping culture.

It frustrates me to no end that the current refrain is that the best way to resolve unfair pay practices towards financially vulnerable restaurant employees is to exacerbate it by stiffing said employees. Like, what the fuck do you expect them to do, just quit and hope like hell they find a better paying job?

The people at the high end restaurant generally are expected to be better at their jobs. (ymmv) They aren’t expected to ‘get butter’ and ‘refill drinks’ because the butter is supposed to be there in sufficient quantity 100% of the time, not being doled out in tiny amounts to deter use. Drinks are the same with high

America never looks the same decade to decade. Never has, and doesn’t even want to.

Yes corporations and businesses across the board have hidden exorbitant price increases under blanket excuses because we’ve shown them we’ll let them get away with it. This really hit high gear with ‘supply chain issues’ and then

Yes, it’s an lame excuse the industry uses to underpay their workers, and unfortunately, now it’s spread to places like Subway and Starbucks too. Unfortunately, it’s so ingrained in the industry, it’s hard to change, as restaurants that have tried no tip policies by baking it into menu prices have been met with a

Case in point: Japan has a non-existent tipping culture (service staff will be even embarassed if you try to tip them, which can be considered a faux-pas on the part of the customer).

Companies should pay their workers a living wage.  Tipping culture is anti-consumer. 

It’s not okay to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment, it’s not okay to have dirty streets in the city with one of the highest income taxes. And it’s not okay to put the responsibility on paying waiter’s salary on the customer. It’s time for change.

I see new cast members being added to Wednesday, but “cast changes” typically implies that one actor is being replaced in a roll by another actor. I’m not seeing that here. Am I missing something or was this just kind of a clickbaity headline?

Not to mention the National Retail Federation is biased in favor of the biggest possible number.

Employee theft is ALWAYS higher than customer theft.  And the employees take the higher value items.

I have a better idea, Home Depot: Why not just raise your prices that massive 0.007% you are losing on inventory?

I can see it now: “You have only purchased the ‘forward’ option for your impact driver. If you would like to use ‘reverse,’ please subscribe to the silver-level tier or higher...”


A 2020 National Retail Federation survey found organized retail crime costs more than $700,000 per $1 billion in sales.”

Oh no my seven one-hundredths of one percent what will I dooooooooo

And now you have to call tech support to upgrade your impact wrench from 450 ft./lbs. to 650 ft./lbs. At only another $5 / month, it’s a bargain!

Next step, you don’t own the tool.  You only purchased a 1 year subscription to use it.

I don’t want to have to ever have to apply firmware updates on my power tools to close the latest bluetooth vulns.